Diablo 3 Invoker Set Thorns Dmg Calculator

Now if you factor in 3+ring invoker set 15 yard AoE you have very high damage potential. This isn't including damage from items like Shaefers Hammer or Thundergods Vigor that have passive thorn effects in them. You can even use the one handed axe 'Hack' to do 75-100% of your thorns on hit on every attack you do.

Flux Submitted a news story
Thorns in Diablo III?
[caption align='alignright' width='293'] Iron Maiden on Cows.[/caption]A Thorns/Reflects Damage build has never been viable (at the high end) in Diablo III, and while the developers have occasionally talked about it or tried to create it (via the Thorns of the Invoker set and a few associated legendary items), it's currently a non-starter. There is, however, some new info into the Devs' thinking via Wyatt Cheng's recent spot on the Westmarch Workshop.
Thorns in Diablo III?
The Thorns of the Invoker set actually came up during Westmarch Workshop's interview with one of our designers, Wyatt Cheng. Here's what he said (with the occasional linguistic quirks carefully omitted):
WYATT: We've basically been trying to err away from totally passive playstyles, and .. I guess the question we've been asking ourselves is 'What is the fantasy of being a Thorns player?' I think back to D2 and you have your Golem and you've probably been casting Amplify Damage and playing Necro and you have Thorns.. That's one common way to go.. And I think that the Amplify Damage kept things to be somewhat active, but at the same time, I think a big part of the fantasy is that I can stand there and not doing everything and the monsters just kill themselves attacking me. So it's kind of like a power fantasy at that point, where you're just like, 'I am so amazing that monsters die in my presence.'

Click through for the rest of Wyatt's lengthy thoughts on the issue, and a huge player-developed list of the reasons Thorns doesn't work in D3, and what would be needed to fix it.
NEINBALL: 'I have everything, you have nothing. Go, my minions!'
WYATT: Right. And so one of the things that we've been talking about as we reexamine Invoker's is: is that the fantasy that we want? If that's the fantasy we're trying to fulfill, realistically this set is not allowed to be a top tier set, because there's no way that we would have a top tier, highly competitive at the highest Greater Rift set that involved a completely passive gameplay style. So we're like, okay, if this is the fantasy that we're meeting, is that the right way to go? Should we design it so that it's viable for like, say, Torment 6 farming, but not viable for the [most challenging content]. And that's counter to a lot of our other philosophies lately where, when we revisit a set, we try to make sure it is something that can reach the highest levels, you know what I mean? So that's kind of Step 1 is, what is the player fantasy, and is it me doing nothing?
And then another option is to say, 'Well, no, that's not really the fantasy, the fantasy is just me being durable, me doing something active, and the monsters killing themselves against me.' .. Well Invoker's can be used by everybody, so if it's going to be me doing something active, it can't be something that's class-specific. .. What active, non-class specific action can we do? And of course, we start looking at .. well obviously it will be spenders and generators and stuff like that. .. [If] we're doing stuff like that on other [class sets] - is that appropriate here? And so we were looking at stuff like that.
And the final [idea] as we were looking at Invoker's is.. I don't know if you guys have seen this or tried to make a Thorns set work, but there's a lot of monsters who actually don't attack you that aggressively.. and there is nothing more annoying, especially at the current power level, like.. Let's say .. like 98% of your damage is coming from Thorns. And if a monster just refuses to attack you, and you're hitting it with .. Poison Dart .. or Shield Bash or whatever, and you're doing almost none of your potential damage waiting for that monster to attack you, that's actually really annoying. So .. it looks like we're going to have to integrate a Taunt effect or something into it. Ideally, it would be like D2 where you're getting a pet to be Taunted. But again, this is a non-class specific set, so.. Anyway, those are kind of the general thoughts we have on Invoker's.
And do check out this thread.. 'A Game of Thorns'.. There is a bunch of us who have been playing thorns for some time..
Tyvalir: Already got your back. That thread is definitely a bastion of feedback and we've been keeping an eye on it for some time.[source]http://diablo.incgamers.com/blizzard-tracker/devthread/us/17070596960[/source]

Diablo Thorns Of The Invoker

The 'Game of Thorns' guy had some polished points about why Thorns doesn't work in the game and what could fix it, so read on if you're like me and vaguely interested in Thorns as an underutilized mechanic in D3, but have never given the 'why' any serious thought.
Problems that should be addressed first
Anyway I just thought i should highlight some concerns with the current thorns effect which in my opinion should be fixed first and only then any improvements to thorns of invoker set would be worth our time:
1. Lack of Damage scaling - It mainly only scales with main stat, elite% and damage amplifying spells on minons (enemies receive X% more damage).. To be truly competitive thorns should somehow scale with weapon damage like everything else.. The only exception has always been the crusader active skill iron skin: reflect skin which has allowed me to hit in the 60-80mil damage range..
2. Lack of synergy - For some reason legendary items and certain skills meant for thorns gameplay just do not scale with each other like Demon's set fire thorns damage, invokers, hack, sanguinary bracers and Vo'toyias.. they just don't synergize with each other at all.. in fact some of us have theorized that there is a priority order between skills like iron skin:reflect skin and the other damages.. It should boost damage not take turns to do different kinds of thorns damage..
3. Clunky mechanics - Ever since the nerf on the thorns effect for the Ghom fight exploit, thorns damage does not trigger on certain damage or element types, not sure if it was intended like arcane orbs, lightning orb, poison pool, fire chains, desecrator, tornadoes, etc.. Basically not every skill effect from bosses will trigger thorns, its just not consistent.. i think this goes with the game mechanics so it is a much bigger issue to tackle but it does affect how thorns damages monsters or bosses..
4. Provoke - Personally i feel provoke as a crusader skill doesn't quite work as intended, as it causes minions who are already hitting to reposition thus reducing the damage of thorns damage.. Plus the radius is kinda small..
Fantasy for Thorns of Invoker
1. Craftable set - No really i mean it.. Considering it is not a playstyle for everyone, it should instead be removed from the drop pool to make everyone else happy but i would appreciate if it was still kept in the game as a craftable set.. win win situation.. i don't expect it to compete at the higher Grifts but maybe 40 ish would be nice..
2. Invoking - The set should cause enemies to hit the player who has the set and perhaps increase the attack speed passively..
3. Block chance - It should definitely be a block chance influenced set, either an increase in block chance or for every successful block, the thorns damage is reflected to all enemies in a 15-20 yard radius
4. Damage reduction - To me this is not necessary but it is definitely a nice thing to have as there are so many items that reduce damage already, but if the 5th or 6th piece was a shield it should either have increased block chance or reduce damage for monster under the influence of invoke or thorns..
5. 6 Piece set - Would be nice to have a shield as a new set item piece.. the last piece can be anything.. maybe an amulet, would be nice to have a starter build type craftable amulet other than hellfire.. i dunno.. just trying my luck..
Ideal Invoker Set Fantasy Set Bonuses
Ok essentially my fantasy for the invoker set bonuses should be this:
(2) Piece bonus:
Every successful block deals your thorns damage in a 15 yard radius to all enemies
(4) Piece bonus:
Casting a skill generator causes enemies within a 15 yard radius to receive X% increased thorns damage (based on weapon damage) for 3-5 seconds
(6) Piece bonus:
Invokes all enemies within 15yard radius to go berserk and attack the wearer increasing the affected monster's attack speed by X% but reducing their damage by X% against the wearer (passive or skill spender activated)[source]http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/12945294787?page=1[/source]

Any of you guys part of the 'bring back thorns' contingent? It's odd to think about in D3 where everything is about direct damage, but Thorns was a viable play style in Diablo 2 for Paladins (via Auras and blocking) and Necromancers (via Curses and pets), so there are ways to make it work in a fast-paced ARPG.
That's the theory, anyway. I have trouble imagining a form of reflects damage that could equal the of 'kill everything in one AoE blast' power we see with so many skills in RoS, but maybe a Thorns build would be sort of an end game thing, and work a bit like Exploding Palm where it's more effective on higher difficulties, since the monsters live long enough to swarm you and some kind of chain-reaction Thorns, or 'reflects damage over a 15y radius' effect could be awesome.
Thorns isn't exactly on top of my personal wish list, but more variety in builds and play styles is always a good thing.

Diablo 3 Invoker Set Thorns Dmg Calculator Free

Continue reading the Original Story
The most powerful Thorn-based build in Diablo 3. Invoker set will be awarded in the Haedrig Gifts in Season 13

Invoker is the only set in Diablo 3 that revolves around the Thorns mechanics. Unlike all the other builds, Thorns require an entirely different set of attributes on the items. Thorns damage cannot critically hit, which means the stats you were after in any other build are redundant here. Thorns Invoker Crusader is a very powerful build, which has a Greater Rifts 100 and above solo capability. It is however not suitable for party play.

To check the full list of our Best Diablo 3 builds visit: The Best Diablo 3 builds by Odealo

Table of contents

  1. General information
  2. Recommended items
  3. Recommended skills

General information

Diablo 3 invoker set thorns dmg calculator free

The entire build is based on the Thorns of the Invoker set which provides the following bonuses:

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  • Thorns damage now hits all enemies in a 15-yard radius around the Crusader. Each time an enemy is hit with Punish or Slash, or an attack is blocked, Thorns damage is increased by 140% for 2 seconds (Crusader Only) (2/6)
  • Take 50% less damage for 20 seconds after casting Bombardment (4/6)
  • The attack speed of Punish and Slash are increased by 50%, and these skills deal 5400% of effective Thorns damage to the first enemy hit (6/6)

Diablo 3 Invoker Set Thorns Dmg Calculator List

Thorns Invoker Crusader build is all about dealing increased thorns damage with Punish or Slash attacks. Because thorns' damage cannot crit, and each hit deals fixed the amount of Thorns damage, this build relies on very high attack speed and cooldown reduction. This build has extremely high single target damage but lacks area attacks, which makes it more suitable for high Greater Rifting, rather than Bounty farming.

Diablo 3 Invoker Set Thorns Dmg Calculator 2016

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Head - Crown of the Invoker
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Strength
3) Vitality
4) All Elemental Resistances
NOTE: We do not include Thorns on the set parts since Invoker items always roll Thorns as the secondary affix
Chest - Heart of Iron
Stat priorities:
1) Strength
2) Vitality
3) Thorns
4) All Elemental Resistances
Special power:
Gain Thorns equal to 250–300% of current Vitality
Pants -Renewal of the Invoker
Stat priorities:
1) Strength
2) Vitality
3) All Elemental Resistances
Gloves- Pride of the Invoker
Stat priorities:
1) Strength
2) Attack Speed
3) Cooldown Reduction
4) Area damage
5) Secondary res.
Boots -Zeal of the Invoker
Stat priorities:
1) Strength
2) Vitality
3) Armor
4) All Elemental Resistances
Pauldrons- Burden of the Invoker
Stat priorities:
1) Strength
2) Vitality
3) Cooldown Reduction
4) Area damage
5) All Elemental Resistances
Bracers - Shackles of the Invoker
Stat priorities:
1) Physical damage%
2) Strength
3) Vitality
4) Thorns
5) All Elemental Resistances
Amulet - Traveller's Pledge
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Physical damage%
3) Strength
4) Vitality
5) Thorns
(Part of the Endless Walk set)
Set bonuses:
  • While moving, all damage taken is reduced by up to 50%
  • While standing still, all damage dealt is increased by up to 100%
Ring - Compass Rose
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Cooldown Reduction
3) Attack Speed
4) Area damage
5) Strength
6) Vitality
7) Thorns
(Part of the Endless Walk set)
Ring - Justice Lantern
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Cooldown Reduction
3) Attack Speed
4) Area damage
5) Strength
6) Thorns
Special power:
Gain damage reduction equal to 45–55% of current Block Chance
Belt - Belt of the Trove
Stat priorities:
1) Strength
2) Vitality
3) Thorns
4) All Elemental Resistances
5) Life%
Special power:
Every 6–8 seconds, call down Bombardment on a random nearby enemy
Weapon - Pig Sticker
Stat priorities:
1) Socket
2) Cooldown Reduction
3) Attack Speed
4) Area damage
5) Strength
6) Vitality
Unique affixes:
+15–30% Damage to Beasts
+15–30% Damage to Humans
Off-hand - Akarat's Awakening
1) Thorns
2) Strength
3) Cooldown Reduction
4) Area damage
5) Vitality
Special power:
Every successful block has a 20–25% chance to reduce all cooldowns by 1 second
Kanai Cube powers
Blood Brother
Grants a 15-20% chance to block attacks. Blocked attacks inflict 30% less damage. After blocking an attack, your next attack inflicts 30% additional damage
Aquila Cuirass
While above 90–95% of the primary resource, all damage taken is reduced by 50%
Convention of Elements
Gain 150–200% increased damage to a single element for 4 seconds. This effect rotates through the elements available to your class in the following order: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Physical, Poison
Legendary Gems
Bane of the Trapped
  • Increases damage done to enemies under the control-impairing effects by 15%
    Upgrade: +0.3% additional damage per Rank
  • Gain an aura that slows the movement speed of enemies within 15 yards by 30% (Requires Rank 25)
Bane of the Stricken
  • Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 0.8%. Upgrade: +0.01% damage per Rank
  • Gain 25% increased damage against Rift Guardians and bosses (Requires Rank 25)
Boyarsky's Chip
  • Adds 16000 Thorns. Upgrade: +800 Thorns damage per Rank
  • Taunt the first enemy hit by Primary skills for 2 seconds (Requires Rank 25)
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Recommended skills

Active Skills

Strikes the enemy for 335% damage as Physical and gain Hardened Senses, increasing Block Chance by 15% for 5 seconds
Blocking an attack will increase your attack speed by 15% for 5 seconds
Your main skill. Punish provides very high attack speed which makes it the best choice for optimizing your DPS
Steed Charge
Mount a celestial war horse that allows the Crusader to ride through enemies unhindered for 2 seconds
Draw and Quarter
You drag up to 5 enemies within 15 yards when charging
Your main mobility skill. It also helps you group up enemies
Laws of Valor
Passive: Recite the Law, granting the Crusader and their allies 8% increased Attack Speed
Active: Empower the Law, granting the Crusader and their allies 15% increased Attack Speed for 5 seconds
Also increases your Life per Hit by up to 21457 at level 70
Since this build relies on Attack Speed this is the best Law available
Taunts all nearby enemies and instantly generates additional 5 Wrath for every enemy taunted. Taunted enemies will focus their attention on the Crusader for 4 seconds
Hit Me
Increases your current block chance by 50%
Great defensive buff, which increases your block chance and grants increased damage reduction from Justice Lantern
Iron Skin
The Crusader's skin turns to iron, absorbing 50% of all incoming damage for 4 seconds
Reflective Skin
Also increases your Thorns by +300%
Mandatory skill for this build. Provides amazing damage reduction and thorns bonus. With high block chance and Akarat's Awakening shield, it is possible to have nearly 100% uptime on this buff
Akarat's Champion
The Crusader explodes with the power of their order, increasing damage dealt by 35% and increasing their Wrath regeneration by 5 per second for 20 seconds
Gain 150% additional armor while under the effect of Akarat's Champion. Also when taking fatal damage instead of dying you are healed to full Life. May happen only once per activation
Core Crusader skill that boosts up all your main attributes (damage and toughness)
Passive Skills
Gain 1.5% increases maximum Strength by every gem socketed in your gear
While wielding a one-handed weapon, you gain 15% increased Attack Speed, and all your cooldowns are reduced by 15%

Increases the Attack Speed of all your primary abilities by 15%

Iron Maiden
Increases your Thorns damage by 50%
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Diablo 3 Invoker Set Thorns Dmg Calculator Download

Other Season 13's Starter Builds:
Earthquake 'Leapquake' Barbarian
Shadow Impale Demon Hunter
Sunwuko Wave of Light Monk
Inarius Corpse Explosion speed-farming Necromancer
Jade Harvester Soul Harvester Witch Doctor
Firebird's Channelling Meteor Wizard

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We hope you will enjoy this build as much as we did. And see you soon in the world of Sanctuary.

If you have any ideas how this build could be improved, or if you have suggestions for other Necromancer Guides we should make, please let us know in the comments below. You can also join the discussion on our Facebook fan page.

Diablo 3 invoker set thorns dmg calculator 2016

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