Does Staff Elemetal Attack Affect Magic Dmg Octopath

Oct 29, 2015 Using angels and demons, Magickal Attack gives you a fast, safe way to take control of those who try to run your life. Winterfield goes on to say, 'If you have courage, you have the opportunity to use magick to go on the attack and silence those who would spread lies; bind those who would spread malice; crush those who would do you harm.'

Does the gem need to be socketed in a weapon? The text reads like a normal support gem yet this is a general support to all elemenetal damage right?
Posted by
on Mar 7, 2013, 8:04:20 PM
All Supports only apply to linked skills. They never apply to your character or to an item.
Posted by
on Mar 9, 2013, 8:43:50 AM
I don't think it's working for me, or I'm doing something wrong... I am a templar, in my chestpeice, I have Lightning Strike gem, and the Weapon Elemental Damage support gem, but doesn't seem to be working? Cause I see the Weapon Elemental Damage gem, it says Mana cost multiplier 170% right? So I assume 170% of the lightning strike skill(for me its 11mp) I'd assume it would be about 18mp or so, but no increase in mana, and I keep testing, only uses 11 mp... the damage doesn't change either when I look in the skill slots. Help!!
Posted by
on Mar 26, 2013, 9:45:23 PM
Yea... I thought it was just because it was on armor, and needed both on weapon, found a 2h mace, put both on it, still to no avail, can anyone tell me whats wrong or how its REALLY suppose to work? Cause I don't see damage change in the description, no mana increase in skill, and since this game does not show damage numbers...
Posted by
on Mar 26, 2013, 10:13:07 PM
Support gems need to be in a socket linked to the socket where the active skill gem is. You have the gems in to unlinked sockets.
Here is an example of a support and skill gem in linked sockets:
You can see that there is a link between the lower and middle sockets, where the gems are, but not between the middle and upper sockets. You'll need to find items with sockets linked like these to use the support gem.
Posted by
on Mar 27, 2013, 12:55:03 AM
I know WED applies to elemental damage on gear and on auras like Anger, Wrath.
My question is: Does WED apply to converted damage on skills like:
Lightning strike
Infernal Blow
Glacial Hammer
No elemental damage on gear and no auras:
Using WED on LS/IB/GH would increase its damage?
Posted by
on Apr 15, 2013, 10:56:15 AM
I know WED applies to elemental damage on gear and on auras like Anger, Wrath.
My question is: Does WED apply to converted damage on skills like:
Lightning strike
Infernal Blow
Glacial Hammer
No elemental damage on gear and no auras:
Using WED on LS/IB/GH would increase its damage?

Ofcource it does, those are elemental damage you weapon attack does.
'An it harm none, do what you will'
Posted by
on Apr 15, 2013, 12:29:40 PM
May I bump this question again please?
Does this gem affect minions that you summoned (if it is linked)
Im not sure if it meant weapon in the literal sense (or if it meant linked skills), because for some reason my skeletons have +% of elemental damage.

This answer ...
Umbraal wrote:
If they have elemental damage from other support skills or auras or such then it will be boosted by this.
Weapon damage means simply that it's non-spell damage. Any elemental damage on any melee or ranged weapon, from equipped items, auras or skills will be boosted.

... seems to be okay in general, but when I read an old statement for skeleton minions that are *visually* holding a weapon, I'm not sure anymore since they could just be *Unarmed* which doesn't seem to count as *Weapon*:
quote from this thread
Mark_GGG wrote:
I suspect it currently doesn't for the most part - it will for spectres/dominated of certain monster types (the ones which are explicitly told they have a type of weapon so they meet skill requirements). It should, in theory, happen for any monster which is visually holding a weapon - which includes summoned skeletons. That might be tricky to do, but I've made a note to look into this in more detail and get things tidied up to the best of my ability.
The problem is most monsters don't need a weapon type so mechanically are unarmed despite visually having a weapon in their hand.
For now, don't count on it.

Anyone who did some extensive testing knows for sure?
If you're leaving PoE, chances are I'll rezz you as my minion! MWHAHAHAH
Posted by
on Apr 18, 2013, 5:59:16 AM
Does +elemental dmg% affect this?
Does +fire dmg% affect this if the weapon deals fire dmg?
Does +cold cold% affect this if the weapon deals cold dmg?
Does +lightning dmg% affect this if the weapon deals lightning dmg?
Does +spell power% affect the elemental portion as well? All +spell power%?
Would then iron will scale with this as well?
Posted by
on May 9, 2013, 1:50:43 AM
People often comment on how physical damage is outshone by elemental damage for most weapon users (everything except 2h melee, basically). How much of that disparity is down to this one support gem? The bonus it gives is absolutely enormous.
Posted by
on May 14, 2013, 3:18:53 AM

Does Staff Elemental Attack Affect Magic Dmg Octopath 2

Does staff elemental attack affect magic dmg octopath 2017

Report Forum Post

@r3mu5, that's right. The attacking player is the one who decides the damage assignment order for the blockers. The only time the defending player chooses a damage assignment order is if one of his blockers is somehow blocking multiple attackers (Palace Guard, Avatar of Hope, Entangler, etc.), and he decides an order for his blocker to deal damage to those creatures.

Does Staff Elemental Attack Affect Magic Dmg Octopath Download

Here's the relevant rules from the description of the Declare Blockers step:

509.2. Second, for each attacking creature that's become blocked, the active player announces that creature's damage assignment order, which consists of the creatures blocking it in an order of that player's choice. (During the combat damage step, an attacking creature can't assign combat damage to a creature that's blocking it unless each creature ahead of that blocking creature in its order is assigned lethal damage.) This turn-based action doesn't use the stack.

Example: Craw Wurm is blocked by Llanowar Elves, Runeclaw Bear, and Serra Angel. The Craw Wurm's controller announces the Craw Wurm's damage assignment order as Serra Angel, then Runeclaw Bear, then Llanowar Elves.

Does Staff Elemental Attack Affect Magic Dmg Octopath 3

509.2a During the declare blockers step, if a blocking creature is removed from combat or a spell or ability causes it to stop blocking an attacking creature, the blocking creature is removed from all relevant damage assignment orders. The relative order among the remaining blocking creatures is unchanged.