Path Of Exile Templar Build Aoe Elemental Dmg

Templar builds are effective in using any kind of damage type with melee weapons. They can work with totems and can be amazing aura supporters. Ascendancy classes are: Inquisitor, Hierophant and Guardian. The inquisitor balances offence (elemental damage & critical strike multiplier) and defence (life regeneration & resistances). They can also specialize in elemental ailments, elemental Herald skills, and golems. Path of Exile - Metamorph League - Elementalist Builds Duelist Marauder Ranger Scion Shadow Templar Witch.

Adjusted content for the pathofexilebuilds website.
This is a high dps min-max build designed for diabolically efficient farming. It in no way is intended for HC. If you like playing rogues & top dps classes where you sacrifice defense for more offense, this method is for you. It is not an easy, mindless, stand in the fire playstyle. After reading a few dozen replies post OB, I would say this is an advanced build. It is not for everyone.
I stream frequently on
Past vids, including my CB endgame ele bow shadow in disgustingly perfect elemental gear thrashing endgame maps with ease using this spec @ lvl 74 are [ AKA you if you stick with it and trust the ppl who have done it & shared their xp with us so far.
Primary Attack & Supports
Weapon Elemental Damage is a MUST for all attacks that you want to inflict reliable damage.
Culling Strike is a MUST for this link. I suggest leveling it in the background on your alt weapon until the attack speed penalty gets lower. It will eventually give 10% increased attack speed.
Secondary Attack for Crowd Control
Explosive Arrow has an inherent 6% crit chance, why not take advantage of it? I relied on Ranged Atk Totem & EA in HC, to great effect. It soaks up damage and packs a punch. I use it to spawn Ambushers, flying goats & rhoas.
Ice Shot as a totem is great for systematic kite/tanking insane rare mobs and bosses. Elemental Proliferation or Increased Crit Chance works extremely well with Ice Shot totem. Mix and match to find what works best for your build.
I suggest dropping the totem in tandem with Raise Spectre. The spectre can do the tanking for you. Watch any of my vids to see what Im talking about. Ice Shot totem is a very serviceable method to utilize the coverage of chilled dmg to mobs, knockback from using Projectile Weakness & application of status effects. Damage wont be knockout quality, but this is used for disruption. Were Ice Shot NOT linked to Ranged Attack Totem, you would want to replace the totem gem with Weapon Ele Dmg and Faster Attacks for Culling Strike.
General Tips & Observations for Ranged Elemental Builds (non spell dmg)
-Kill all the Bandits. Killemall. You will flog yourself at lvl 75 as penance to atone for your failure if you let one live.
-Use Bear Trap as an effective root.
-AURAS: Wrath + Hatred + Anger + Discipline. Mix and match with 1 or 2 Reduced Mana Cost gems in different links.
-You don't have to use CI if you are a witch/shadow/templar. High ES & 65% recovery gets annoyingly expensive.
-Stack HP from gear & passives. Interestingly, that lil 12% HP node just south of the shadow start makes HP shadow/ranger an attractive option.
-Max your resistances (or 60%+) to overcome not investing in many defensive nodes.
-You don't have to invest in many defensive nodes.
-Have a specific ring for each resistance with 60%+ for heavy +% elemental dmg map mods.
-2k hp 1500 es 10% dr 75/75/75 & an overwhelmingly destructive offensive barrage gets it done.
-20% MAX (in this order) Weapon Elemental Damage, Culling Strike, Chain.
-High % Ice Shot will annoy the hell out of anyone in pvp not immune to chilled.
-Lightning Arrow & Ice Shot are swappable in any linked combination with this build.
-Farm lower lvl maps & content with Ice Shot & Chain & Faster Projectiles & a Quiver with Projectile Speed %
-Rely on Soul Siphon & + mana on kill gear. (I go into detail on how to do this low lvl above
-Buy Wake of Destruction boots asap.
- +Lightning will increase dps more than any other element.
-Use Vulnerability + Poison Arrow to clear out pesky high ES Necros. & anyone without CI in pvp.
-High rarity = more rares= chance for rares with mf & chaos res = Alch Shards = Alchs.
-You are either leveling or you are farming. Never do both & expect ppl to feel sympathetic when you die.
-Much grief will be avoided by remembering this.
-People who complain about never getting uniques & say they have good mf are either grossly inefficient when clearing content & need to kill more mobs faster or are complaining too much instead of killing more mobs that drop uniques.
-Chain currently has a 100% hit rate.
-Anyone can strike it rich at anytime.
-Don't use orbs with names one would use to describe an angel.
-Exalted Orbs are a rich player's plaything. Sell em for Gemcutters Prisms.
-For the love of pete use your GCP on supports like weapon elemental damage/culling strike/chain if they arent 20%
-Weapon elemental damage quality % is the single highest dps boost from a support for this spec.
-Ranged Attack Totems linked with ice shot & you cursing with elemental weakness makes for a kitable boss with reflect elemental damage.
-Find or make a 10%+ Rejuvenation Totem. Name it. This is your meatshield & best friend. This is your companion cube.
-You do not get your IIR/IIQ bonus when Poison Arrow's cloud kills an enemy.
-Ranged Attack Totem + Death's Harp = an extra arrow.
-Ranged Attack Totem + Death's Harp + GMP = 7 Arrows
Let me share with my experiences now.
Im currently grinding my level at near end act 1 cruel diff. Now im having gear difficulty. I did not even put 1 point in elemental dmg, nor other skills, and as for dps, no problem. But now, i have, due to my low ghear (low armor) i kinda feel bad to physical dmg minions. It is more like i do molten shild, jump into enemy and whole group out of the earth, but while i land i cant immiediately warlords mark. Then i sustain the buff by enduring cry. I also have granite flasks in case i enounter smth strong and i have my 'endurance charges' off. As for it, i have 5 endurance charges, 1570 hp, and i can make my resistances 75% on this crappy gear i have. As for dmg, i dont think i needat all even though i did not ivnest in any dmg skill passives. My infernal strike, makes 800 dps and sweep 350 on aoe. The problem now is that i have to care with this physical def. It is less comfortable,
Posted by
on Feb 1, 2013, 1:31:52 AM
So Kyle, what you are saying is that you can build a pretty strong staff templar with all of your passives into survivability skills? This makes sense - there are very few staff buffs, and I think that is because of the fact that they have such a high damage as compared to one-handers. My inclination right now is to follow along and focus on survivability plus a little elemental, and count on the weapon/gear to do the offensive work.
Posted by
on Feb 1, 2013, 2:33:24 AM
Not sure I see the point to a lot of these builds. Why use a Staff if you're essentially making a lesser Sweep Mara? Surely, the benefit of a Staff build is the ability to 2H with a high Block/Crit rate.
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2013, 2:24:20 AM
That's kind of the problem. The staff itself is kind of weak when compared maces in particular. I feel like they should be used in 2hand elemental builds as they require int to use. The issue is the passives don't really dictate what the staff's niche is supposed to be and on top of that the passives themselves aren't that great when compared to all of the other weapons who all have way more passives. As I said earlier in the thread, notice that the other weapons have one large passive circle somewhere in the passive tree to dictate how the weapon is supposed to be used. The staff on the other hand, doesn't have one.
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2013, 6:09:40 AM
That's kind of the problem. The staff itself is kind of weak when compared maces in particular. I feel like they should be used in 2hand elemental builds as they require int to use. The issue is the passives don't really dictate what the staff's niche is supposed to be and on top of that the passives themselves aren't that great when compared to all of the other weapons who all have way more passives. As I said earlier in the thread, notice that the other weapons have one large passive circle somewhere in the passive tree to dictate how the weapon is supposed to be used. The staff on the other hand, doesn't have one.

Except the copious amounts of Block and Crit?
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2013, 6:23:52 AM
I've been playing with staff since I made my character. I like it. Sweep or Ground slam linked with Life Leech are absolutely amazing. I've not finished normal yet, but it's worked out. I'm going for Resolute Technique though, so I've avoided crit/hit/dex almost completely.
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2013, 8:24:48 AM
You don't have to rely just on staff circles, there are plenty of 2h circles in the tree as well. The block and stun are amazing and, with RT, you are a DPS powerhouse. Staff builds make a lot of sense, are fun to play, and add a welcome change from the usual crappiness of staves in other games.
Man does not stop playing because he grows old. He grows old because he stops playing. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Posted by
on Feb 2, 2013, 4:45:20 PM
I almost hit 50 o hc, with staff templar.
I just see one thing, somehow staff got greater area efffect and gives additional block. This made staff my prime weapon.
In my build i don't put even 1 point to staff mastery - just starting 2H mastery, and that's the end of my offensive skill tree.
Resolute and blood magic seems way to go with hp/regen. And it doesnt take a lot to rebuild and change, since we can exclude blood magic if we have blood magic gem and good 4-5 links. In that case i would go for auras on mana pool, especially armor and resists. And skills from blood magic gem.
I am new to this game like you, but on hc, hp/resist are a must. Since it is hard to get chaos resistance, i got hp/hp regen. Poison at best stops my regen (4 stacks of poison on cruel stopped my 85 hp per second) and gives defense vs burst dmg.
i love to leap with molten shield, jump into 20 mobs, and sweep and watching enemies die, from molten shield explosion.
If i wouldnt be on hc, i would try righteus fire...
Posted by
on Feb 3, 2013, 7:13:58 AM
I almost hit 50 o hc, with staff templar.
I just see one thing, somehow staff got greater area efffect and gives additional block. This made staff my prime weapon.
In my build i don't put even 1 point to staff mastery - just starting 2H mastery, and that's the end of my offensive skill tree.
Resolute and blood magic seems way to go with hp/regen. And it doesnt take a lot to rebuild and change, since we can exclude blood magic if we have blood magic gem and good 4-5 links. In that case i would go for auras on mana pool, especially armor and resists. And skills from blood magic gem.
I am new to this game like you, but on hc, hp/resist are a must. Since it is hard to get chaos resistance, i got hp/hp regen. Poison at best stops my regen (4 stacks of poison on cruel stopped my 85 hp per second) and gives defense vs burst dmg.
i love to leap with molten shield, jump into 20 mobs, and sweep and watching enemies die, from molten shield explosion.
If i wouldnt be on hc, i would try righteus fire...

So how are you specced now? If I remember correctly your first build didn't have Blood Magic.
Again, I just don't see the point if you're not going for any of the Staff nodes. If you're running a Sweep build with no specific weapon nodes then why not use an Axe? Is there something I'm missing here?
Last edited by facehead on Feb 3, 2013, 10:24:11 AM
Posted by
on Feb 3, 2013, 9:50:28 AM
I dislike how many of you did the skill tree. Not enough defenses. Not enough dex. Not enough speed. Your doing it all wrong. This is a tree I came up with a while ago while playing staff tempaler in previous versions of the game. You need SPEED, HP, RESISTS.
Here is the tree:
What good is your char if you can't take a hit?
Dex/accuracy nodes
Chance to hit, keeps armor slots open, more support gems
Endurance charges
YES! I would grab 2 Koams rings if I were you too for 7 endurance charges.
Massive dmg mitigation to get down and dirty w/ the enemy.
Hp Regen Nodes
Utilize Blood rage w/ no diminishing hp. Period
Speed Nodes
Speed is key. W/ this speed you can keep enemy in stun lock until dead.
Hit them before they hit you!
Molten Shell
This is a great skill to use upon engaging tough enemy mobs or bosses.
Enduring Cry
Definately use this. U will neeed to be packing endurance charges endgame
Zombies are a key asset when soloing. as they provide additional meat shield
Spell Totem + Raise Skeletons
This will grab the enemies attention for you to flank and destroy.
More physical dmg. Nuff said.
Discipline + Anger + Hatred + Reduced Mana

It would be nice to run Wrath as well for chance to shock, but mana becomes limited.
GEM COMBOS: placed in my order of most important
Ground Slam + Faster Attacks + Melee Physical Dmg + Added Fire + Weapon Elemental Dmg + Added Lightning Dmg.
Ground Slam + Faster Attacks + Melee Physical Dmg + Item Quantity + Item RarityDmg
Why Ground slam? Melee dmg at a distance. SAFE!
LC - Double Strike : single target killer
CC - Auras / Raise Zombie
RC - Spell Totem + Raise Skeleton
Q - Ground Slam
W - Enduring Cry
E - Molten Shell + Life Leech
A - Blood Rage
S - Vulnerability, Enfeeble or Warlords Mark
IGN: YeahCrit
My Guides
Dual Claw Molten Strike Ranger HC:
Elmo Fire Templar HC:
Last edited by YeahPete on Feb 3, 2013, 2:19:10 PM
Posted by
on Feb 3, 2013, 2:16:20 PM

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