Us Woman Attacked In Egypt Trident Dmg

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or anything to do with Franchise. I make no profit from writing this story.

A/N: Okay those who read last version, sorry but I felt like it was rushed and had to many components in. This version will be basic. Ace will still have the God cards, but he will use a Magician deck. Jaden is still going to house the spirit of the Supreme King, and will use his Heroes as normal. Later in the story those hero will change to evil heroes. The pairing is still the same. DMG (Mana) and Alexis will be paired with Ace. Jaden will be paired with someone else. Now a few more points. In the flash backs I will be referring to Ace as (Anpu- Egyptian meaning royal child) he will be the Son of Atem. Also note I will be using the initials DMG for Dark Magician Girl. Now on with the first chapter.

New Domino City

A boy sat down at his bedroom desk. He was looking at a number of cards. Each of these cards had various pictures of Monsters, some cards were spells other were trap. The boys name was Ace Muto. He was the son and prodigy of his world famous father the King of Games Yugi Muto. Ace carried on looking down at the various cards wondering which he should add to his deck. He had just turned fourteen and was enrolling into the best duelling school in the entire world. The academy was owned by an old friend and rival of his father, known as Seto Kaiba. His father had began to teach him all he knew about duel monsters since he had turned five years old. Ace wanted to make sure his deck was ready for the entrance exam tomorrow. He then took out a special chain that was hidden under his shirt. The chain was pure Gold and in the centre was a solid gold card case. Engraved on the front of it was a strange symbol that looked like an eye. Ace opened it and removed three of his father most powerful cards. These were the three Legendary God cards. Slifer The Sky Dragon, Obelisk The Tormentor and finally the the most powerful God card of them all. The Winged Dragon Of Ra. Ace had been thrilled when his father had handed them to him. Just then felt a sudden light breeze behind him. He then noticed a girl appeared on his bed. Now this girl was no ordinary girl, in fact she was duel spirit. One of his most prized cards actually. Her name was Dark Magician Girl. She sat on the bed, in her usual attire. This consisted of a blue hat with pink outline, that kept her Golden locks hidden. She had a blue and pink costume that showed off the valley of her breast, and a short blue and pink skirt. On her feet were blue boots with pink outlines and in her hand she held a small staff with a glowing yellow orb on the end. Now you would think if a duel spirit just appeared in your room, then you would freak out right. Well you would if you were not Ace. He had discovered from a very young age that he could see and communicate with duel spirits. Ace suddenly remembered when he had first seen the girl now sitting on his bed.

Flash back

Ace sat in the stands with his Mother Tea Gardener. This was his first time watching his dad duel, and he was very excited. Ace leaned over the balcony while his mother held onto him. He had never seen so many people. That's when he noticed something odd. Standing behind his father were two figures. One was dressed from head to toe in purple and held a long green staff, while the other one looked much younger. She had blonde hair, which was hidden by a blue and pink hat. Blue eyes and she wear a small blue and pink outfit, she to held a staff, but hers was much smaller then the other figures. Ace knew who these two were, they were Dark Magician, and Dark Magician girl. Two cards that his dad had in his deck. But this is what was confusing Ace, they were suppose to be just cards. He turned to see his mum looking at him.

'Mummy why is Dark Magician and Dark Magician girl standing behind Daddy?'

Tea blinked before leaning over to see what Ace was talking about. She looked down at her husband and just saw him standing there, duelling. She turned to Ace and looked at him, this wasn't the first time Ace had claimed to see things that were not there. In fact Ace was no normal child, he could already speak Ancient Egyptian and write it. A number of times he had claimed to see monsters, mainly those on duel cards. Tea always thought he was just pretending and playing. However now she wasn't too sure. She had fallen pregnant with Ace, after Yugi and her had done the deed after their prom. Of course Yugi had then done the honourable thing and married her. She had thought their life's would be happy, and normal. Especially after everything they had been through in their youth. However they were far from normal. Ace was worrying his teachers at Pre-school and Nursery, instead of writing English, he had started to draw strange symbols, he had also freaked his teacher out by speaking in another language. Tea had told Yugi who had immediately contacted one of their old friends in Egypt called Marik. He was an Egyptian tomb keeper who guarded the great secret of the Atem the pharaoh who use to share Yugi's body. He had looked at what Ace had written and was completely stunned. He had then told them that they were hieroglyphs from ancient Egypt, and that language he was speaking was also Ancient Egyptian. It was then that Tea knew her life would never be normal, and she had started to distance herself from Ace. She just wanted a normal life, no Duel spirits, or Shadow games. Just a normal little boy, however Ace wasn't any of that, She was pulled from her thoughts by Ace jumping up and down on the seats.

Mummy, quick. Daddy's about to call Ra!'

Tea looked down on the duel field and could see three monsters suddenly sacrificed on her husbands side of the field, then the arena filled with lightning as a golden globe appeared to float in front of her husband. It was then Tea turned to her son and noticed he was chanting , not in English, but in ancient Egyptian again. Just as he had finished the chant the Globe began to open revealing Ra. She watched the monster attack and watched as her husbands opponent life points hit Zero. She then picked Ace up and left her seat.

'Come on Ace. Lets go see Daddy.' When they had arrived at the locker room. Ace had wanted to get down. Once he was on the floor he leapt into his Dads arms, and giggled as Yugi gave him a huge hug. Tea then noticed Ace whisper something in Yugi's ear, causing her husband eyes to widened.

'Tea can you give me and Ace a few minutes?'

Tea sighed and nodded. 'I will waiting outside. Going to try catch Joey and Mai before they leave.'

Yugi nodded, then put his son down and took his hand before leading him into the locker room. Once inside he sat Ace down and looked at his son smiling up at him. 'Ace tell me again what you saw.'

Ace looked up and grinned. 'I saw DMG and DM standing by your side. I also started chanting when you summoned Ra.'

Yugi eyes widened again. He knew his son was different, but being able to see Duel spirits? He removed the two cards his son had mentioned and handed them to him. Once Ace had touched them, there was bright light from both cards, and Yuki looked bewildered has DMG and DM appeared before his very eyes.

'Impossible!' The duel spirits then slowly vanished back into the cards. Yugi remembered something else Ace had said. When he had summoned Ra, Ace had started chanting. Yugi removed the three God cards from his deck then handed them to Ace. He was suddenly blasted back by three huge roars from the cards. Each of them was glowing their respective colours. Yugi wondered what it all meant.

End of Flash back.

That day his father had given him both cards and with the help of his father, they had created a deck structured around the two Magicians. He looked to the bed to see DMG just sitting there looking at him. It had felt a connection with her card, the moment he had laid his fingers on it. Ace looked at her, before concentrating. One of his eyes turned bright green as a light enveloped DMG, when the light had died down DMG sat their on his bed in the flesh.

'About time my Prince.'

Ace had another secret gift that he had hidden from his father and that was that he could bring Duel spirits to life. However DMG was the only Spirit he had done this with. He could only manage it for eight hours or so though. While growing up, he and DMG had formed a strong bond with each other. In fact it was so strong that he had started having feeling for the duel spirit. At first he thought he was crazy. Falling in love with DMG, yeah right like that would ever happen. However over time it did happen. Ace had confronted DMG about his feeling and had found out that she just giggled and laughed. Ace had got very angry with her for that, however she had then explained why, she had been laughing. It turned out that the reason he could do everything he could was because he was the reincarnation of an Egyptian prince named Anpu, who had been the son of the great Pharaoh Atem. The same Pharaoh that shared his body with his father all those years ago. DMG had then gone on to explain that she once was a princess from a land very close to Egypt. A Marriage had been drawn up between the two lands, hoping an alliance would form. She was to marry the prince, and become the future queen of Egypt. However it seems fate had other ideas and just before the wedding she had been bitten by a an Asp. In those day there was no such thing as anti venom, and she had died soon afterwards. She had then been confronted by the God Anubis who had made her an offer. She had the choice of joining her ancestors in the after-life, or she could return as a duel spirit so she could at least stay with the prince and watch over him. In the end she had chosen just that and became the duel spirit known as DMG. Ace had then learnt that after her death a great evil had began to pour into the land of Egypt from a mysterious portal. From this portal a figure know as the Supreme King of Darkness had appeared wielding three powerful monsters that could even rival those of the Gods. Ace now knew why he had such a connection with the God cards, he had used the power of the Gods to defeat the Supreme King of Darkness, after his father had been killed in the battle. He had then sealed the King away for all eternity into the Shadow world. Ace was pulled from his thought by two small hands resting on his shoulders.

'What's the matter my Prince? Are you not pleased to see me?'

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Us Woman Attacked In Egypt Trident Dmg 2016

Ace sighed before turning and quickly sweeping the cute blonde into his lap. He then kissed her. He noticed her hat had fallen off allowing her long blonde locks to fall all the way around her face. Her Blue eyes were sparkling into his deep purple ones.

Us Woman Attacked In Egypt Trident Dmg

'Nothing wrong, DMG, it's just I am a little worried about the entrance exam tomorrow. Especially with how everyone will be treating me. I don't want everyone to see me for being the King of Games son. I want people to see me for who I am.'

DMG giggled before giving him a soft kiss. 'Don't worry my Prince. You will do fine. You know your deck will never let you down, and what have I told you about calling me DMG, just call me Mana, as that was my name when I was alive.'

Ace smiled and kissed her again. 'Okay Mana whatever you say. I know my deck is Okay. But I feel it is a little outdated. I mean some of these cards my dad was using like five or ten years ago. The world of Duel monsters has evolved so much, that I am not sure if my deck is up to the task, or if I should try modernise it a little.

Mana smiled and gave Ace a small kiss. 'Your deck is perfect. So what if you have few outdated cards, its not what deck you have, it is how you use it. There is no one better in this entire City who knows how to use a spellcaster deck like you can Ace. Those trophies on your shelve are proof of that.' Ace looked to the shelves were several trophies sparkled. It was true it was some what of a duelling prodigy, but that was thanks to his dads training. Ace looked to the clock, he could see that it was getting late. He turned to Mana.

'You coming to bed Mana?' Mana jumped off his lap and walked over to a set of drawers before pulling out a set of pink Pj's. She then walked into the bathroom to get changed. She had stayed with Ace in his room since he had turned twelve. Of course they didn't do anything but cuddle and kiss, but she had promised him that soon as he turned Sixteen then they could start exploring their relationship more. Even if she was over 5000 years old, she still looked like a girl in her middle teens thanks to the cards she always would. This of course worried her, because she wouldn't age, but Ace would. She had told Ace her fears and he said that he would do everything he could to make her real, so that she could age just like him. She finished getting dressed then walked out of the bathroom to see Ace was already in bed. She crawled onto the bed and then under covers into his arms. She smiled as he gave her a small kiss, and then wrapped his arms around her. She knew that she could only be with him for a few hours like this, but a few hours was better then no hours at all.

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Somewhere else in Domino City

Jaden Yuki suddenly sat up in bed. Beads of sweat running down his face. His brown hair was a mess. His breathing was heavy. For the last four years he had been having this dream, this nightmare. Jaden climbed out of bed and looked in the mirror, making sure his eyes were still chocolate brown and not gold like they had been in his nightmare. Jaden sat on the bed and slowly remembered what had happened in his dream.


A figure sat in the saddle on his stead, his body was completely covered in black armour. His bright golden eyes glowed under his black helmet. It was this figure that Jaden always found himself being. Jaden then looked down from inside the figures body, at the flames and screams now rising from the wasted village below. The sound of steel and blood curdling screams filled his ears. That and the sudden scream of women being ravaged by his fiend army. Another village crushed by the Supreme King of Darkness. The figure then turned to his companion, who was also seated on a horse, however this figure rode side saddled and had the same armour as him, but more feminine in detail. The female figure always kept her face mask down, so Jaden never got a chance to see the face under the head piece.

'I grow tired of this my love. How many more villages must you crush. Before you are satisfied.'

Jaden turned and survey the damage below him. He then spoke in a voice deeper then his own. 'Until everyone in this world respects me, and calls me their king. There are still many who oppose me my dear, and until I have brought everyone of them to their knees I will carry on. The army is withdrawing.'

Jaden turned to his left to see one of his fiend Generals walking towards him. 'Report Malicious Edge, was the raid a success?'

The fiend general bowed before his king. 'It was my liege, they will never try cross you again. We executed their leader and have already started gathering those we can use as slaves for your great Empire.'

Jaden nodded. 'Good carry on.'

The fiend bowed before vanishing in a portal of dark light. Jaden then turned to his female companion. 'Come, let us make our way back to the palace my queen.'

Dream switches Location

Jaden stood looking over the city of as his army destroyed everything. He had finally found a new place to conquer. He raised his arm into the air and spoke in an ancient tongue. Immediately the sky darkened and lightning illuminated the sky. From the sky descended three creatures One was a huge red serpent dragon, another was a blue powerful looking fiend, and the other almost look like a dragon, but in skeleton form glowing yellow.

'Uria! Reveil! And Hamon! Lay waste to this world. Let the people of this land know they have a new master now. Ahh that light!'

Jaden looked over to where the light had appeared. It was coming from the palace, over looking the city. Jaden watched as three coloured lights left the balcony and shot into the sky. The darkness suddenly dispersed as a light radiated the whole city. It was then he saw them. Three creatures that rivaled his own beasts. He couldn't believe how these three beast were almost an exact copy of his own sacred beast, minus a few differences. The three creatures roared at him, he heard a voice in his head.

'Supreme King Of Darkness. Your reign ends here. No longer will you bring suffering to the duel spirit world. Your reign is at an end. It was foolish of you to believe this world would be unprotected, and now you will face the full might of the Egyptian Gods.'

Jaden growled. How dare these three beast tell him his reign was over. No one insulted him, no one. 'Uria, Reviel, Hamon show these Gods that there is only one ruler, me! Attack now!'

Uria opened his mouth spewing a huge stream of fire heading straight for the three Gods. Reviel then slammed his fist together before sending out a huge shock wave, up rooting most of the city below them. Hamon finished the attack, but roaring to the heavens and causing bolts of lightning to appear around the Gods.

Ra immediately glowed and transformed himself into his phoenix form. Before flying towards the sacred beast in a blaze of golden flames. Slifer roared to the heavens also and conducted the electricity into his body then opened his mouth to show a huge orb of blue electricity beginning to grow. Once it had reached its full size it threw its head back and fired the sphere towards the three sacred beasts. Obelisk then punched his fist together before sending a wave of equal measure which collided with Reviels cancelling it out.

The battle raged for hours. Neither God or Sacred beast giving an inch. Finally the Gods grew tired of this pointless struggle. The three Gods glowed before combining into one being.The being opened her eyes slowly. Her pupils glowed like two huge burning suns. She then formed a sphere of pure light between her hands. The sphere began to grow, until it couldn't get any bigger.

'Begone Beasts of Darkness!'

The sphere of light engulfed all three Sacred beast, destroying them instantly. Once the light had died down Jaden fell to his knees. His Power was leaving him, he fell face first to the floor and knew no more.

Jaden opened his eyes and found himself inside a huge throne room. Seven figures stood before him, six were adults but the one in the middle was a child. Around his neck he wore a strange item that looked like an upside down pyramid. Jaden found his arms and body chained to some rock, he heard all the figures in front of him chanting. He had no clue what was happening. The six adults each held a gold item, a key, a scale, a necklace, an eye, a sceptre, a ring and finally the strange upside down pyramid around the young boys neck. He growled as he heard the child speak.

'For crimes against our world and way of life. I banish you to the shadow world there you will stay sealed away for all eternity. Never to be released. This is not only the judgement of this court but the Judgement of the three Gods you have offended.'

Jaden tried to break his binds but found they were no use. He then noticed seven beams shot out of all the items before hitting the far wall opening a portal of complete Darkness. Jaden growled as he felt his very being being pulled into the Vortex, his whole body began to break down into small black squares before they were sucked into the portal and sealed away for eternity.

End of dream scape

Jaden wondered what it all meant. It was then he turned to his bed again and noticed his alarm clock had started going off. It was then he realised what day it was. It was the day of the entry exams into duel academy. For months he had been saving his allowance just so he could afford the entry fees. Quickly jumping to his feet he raced around his room, making sure everything was ready.

Ace's Room

Ace was also busy getting ready. He opened his wardrobe and pulled out a shirt. On it was a picture of Slifer and they way it had been designed showed Slifer curling around his whole body, with its head finishing just above his left shoulder. He then grabbed a pair of jeans and his shades and his deck from the desk. Mana had already returned back to her spirit form. He took one last look in the mirror before walking downstairs. His father sat at the table, however he wasn't alone and was talking to a smartly dressed gentleman, with shoulder length silver hair, dressed in a smart red suit. Both men turned as they heard him coming down the stairs. Ace heard the smartly dressed gentleman speak.

'Acy boy, so good to see you again. I trust you are all ready for the entrance exam into Duel Academy?'

Ace got to the bottom of the stairs before nodding his head. 'Yes Mr Pegasus I am. However I am still not sure about using my deck, I feel it is a little outdated to be honest. Especially with all the new cards you have released.'

Pegasus waved the comment away. 'Rubbish, your deck is fine. It was created by you and your father, the King of games. It has helped you win all those competition so I can't see why it wouldn't serve you well. However just a little heads up. We are in the middle of creating several new spell casters and soon as they are ready, I will pass them onto you.'

Pegasus then walked back to the table before handing Ace a small briefcase. He placed it on the table and slowly opened it. Hybrid dmg support guardian build 2017. In it on a red cushion were four new cards. Ace looked at each one carefully.

Slifer Judgement: Trap/Normal This trap can only be activated with Slifer on the field. Destroy the number of spell or trap cards on your opponents side of the field by the number of cards you hold in your hand.

Obelisk Judgement: Trap/Normal This trap card can only be activated with Obelisk on the field. Once Obelisk activates his effect, he is allowed to attack once more..

Ra Judgement: Trap/Normal This trap can only be activated with Ra on the field. Add the combined attack and defence of your opponents strongest monster to Ra own attack.

Sacrifice to the Gods: Spell/Field This spell card reduces the sacrifice of three monster to two for the summon of an Egyptian God.

'Wow, these cards are awesome. Thank you ever so much.' Ace then removed them from the case and shuffled them into his deck. He then looked to the clock. 'Crap I better get going. Bye Dad, and thank you again Mr Pegusus for the awesome cards.' Ace legged it out of the door leaving his father and Pegasus to continue their conversation.

'So Yugi boy, went do you want me to tell Ace about Anpu?

Yugi sighed. 'When he is ready to accept the responsibility that now rest on his shoulders Pegasus. Do we have any idea who is housing the spirit of the Supreme King?'


Pegasus shook his head, causing Yugi to close his eyes in frustration. All he wanted was a normal life. Now it seems his son was going to follow in his exact footsteps. Only his son, would have a connection to the past like he did with Atem. The fact that Ace was the reincarnation of Atems own son, was worrying enough, however Yugi knew the world was about balance. So it was only logical to think that if Atem son had been reincarnated as his Ace, then so had the Supreme King, who he had been sealed away in the shadow world.

Kaiba Dome.

Ace whizzed through the written test, with ease. He had learnt about duel monsters since he was five. Not only that but he had learned from the King of Games himself. He sat back and checked over his screen one more time. Satisfied with his answers, he pressed the red button that said submit. He then left the exam and walked out into the corridor, for a small walk. The practical exam would take place a few hours from now so he just had enough time to check his deck. It was as he was walking that he bumped into someone. He slowly got up. 'Sorry about that. Here let me help you.'

Ace took hold of the hand offered, it was then he looked into the face of the person he had crashed into. His eyes suddenly widened. The person was a girl. The first thing that drew Ace attention were the sparking Hazel eyes now frowning at him. Her hair was a dirty blonde colour that just finished ajust above the small of her back, he then looked lower and noticed the attire she was in. A blue and white uniform. Ace had already studied on the Academy and knew that this was the uniform of an Obelisk blue. A uniform that he would be wearing soon hopefully.

'You can stop staring you know!'

Ace was pulled from his thoughts by the blonde brushing herself off in front of him. Ace quickly snapped to his senses. 'Sorry miss, I didn't mean to run into you. My name Ace Muto. Please to meet you.' Jaden held out his hand and smiled as the girl took it.

'Alexis Rhodes. So it is true. Yugi Moto own son is going to be attending Duel Academy this year. I guess you just finished your written exam?'

Ace nodded. 'Yeah, wasn't much of a challenge, especially being tutored by the best. I was just looking for a place so that I could prepare my deck for the practical, this afternoon. Do you know of any spots?'

However before Alexis could answer, Ace felt a towering figure behind him. He slowly turned his head to see Seto Kaiba looking straight at him. Ace gulped even now Seto scared him.

'A word Mr Moto.'

Ace waved to Alexis quickly and then followed Seto into one of the offices. He then waited for Seto to gesture for him to sit down. Ace could see a huge window behind Seto and assumed this was the place where Seto watched the entrance exams.

'I had call from your father, he said you were worried about you deck being outdated. Have you forgotten already that you defeated my Blue eyes deck with those cards you now hold. I am expecting great things from you Mr Muto. Don't disappoint me.' Seto then pointed to the door. Ace knew a dismissive gesture when he saw one.

An hour later. Duel field two

Ace stood on his side of the field, he was still nervous about using this deck. His name had grabbed everyone attention and now everyone was watching him. He gulped. It was then he noticed someone walked up onto the platform opposite him. At first Ace thought the person was a woman, however closer inspection showed him to be a man.

'So you must be Ace. Seeing how your father is the King of games, then it is only logical that you will face me and my real deck. After all we have to see if you're as good as Mr Muto don't we.' Very well let's get this over with.'

Us Woman Attacked In Egypt Trident Dmg 1

Ace watched as the figure shuffled his deck, before placing it back into his duel disk. Ace did the same. They both then shouted in unison 'Duel'


'Hmm lets see, as I am the tester I will go first. I draw. First I pay 1000 life points and activate the spell card, Confiscation! This allow me to view your hand and then allows me to choose one of your cards to be discarded. Ahh send Monster Reborn to the graveyard please. Next I lay down two face down and activate my spell card Heavy storm. Seeing how you have no cards in your spell and trap card zones, then only mine are destroyed. Of course you are no doubt wondering why I have destroyed my own cards, well. This is why. Both cards were wicked Token cards. When they are destroyed I get two tokens. Next I sacrifice both token in order to summon Ancient Gear Golem (3000/3000)

A huge metal monster rose up on the field. It towered over the battle field and stood ready for battle.

Crowler just smiled. 'Thanks to his effect you can't activate trap cards during battle phases, it also has a pierce effect when it attacks defensive monsters.'

Up In the Stands

Alexis stood next to boy who had blue hair and was dressed in a blue and white coat. 'Crowler just summoned his ace monster on the first turn. This is so not fair. Why should he be allowed to use his own deck, when all the other challengers faced tester decks.'

The blue haired boy name was Zane, and he was the top student at the academy. He looked down to the field and frowned. 'Have you forgotten who he is duelling Alexis. Ace is the son of the King of Games. Obviously he wants to see if Ace is just as good as his father.'

Alexis looked to Zane and then just sighed. 'Yeah, I guess your right, but still I think it is a little unfair. Oh good Crowlers finished his move now to see what Ace has up his sleeve.'

Ace stood looking up at the huge monsters. That had been some combo to get this monster out first round. However Ace had noticed that the field was blank apart from his monster and Crowler only had two cards in his hands. This was a huge risk, in Ace's mind. Ace drew a card from his deck and then surveyed his hand. He smiled. This was going to be over quick.

'Nice move Sir, but now it is my turn. First I summon Silent Magician Lv4. (1000/1000) However he won't be staying on the field for long, and neither will your rust heap. I activate the spell card. Magical Dimension. Now here is how it works. By sacrificing one spell caster on my side of the field, I get to special summon another one from my hand.' Ace then watched as Silent Magician left the field. 'Now I summon Dark Magician (2500/2100) in attack mode. But its not the special summon that makes this spell card so cool, but its effect, now I can destroy one of your monsters, so say good bye to your Ancient Gear Golem.' Just then Ancient Gear Golem, exploded leaving Crowlers field blank. Ace grinned as he watched the shocked expression on the testers face. 'Now seeing how you have no monsters, then I attack you directly. Dark Magician, attack him directly.'

Crowler covered his face as he felt the attack blast into him. He then noticed his life points had dropped from 3000 to 500. he was just thankful that Ace was out of monster to attack with.

Ace just grinned. 'Finally I lay down one card and end my turn.' Ace watched as Crowler removed a frilly cloth and wiped his brow. Was he sweating. Really after just one attack.

Crowler looked to his hand. He had nothing, and he only had one card he could draw. He hoped it was something useful. He drew the card and then looked at it. 'I set one monster and then place one card face down, and end my turn.

Us Woman Attacked In Egypt Trident Dmg 2

Ace drew his card and then moved to his hand. 'First, I activate my face down. Mystical Space Typhoon. This allows me to destroy one spell or trap card on the field.' Ace watched as his spell card sent a typhoon sweeping up Crowler face down, leaving just his face down monster to protect him. 'Next I summon Skilled Dark Magician (1900/1700). Now I attack your set monster with Dark Magician.' The face down monster flipped up to show some weird gear soldier, it blew up leaving the field wide open. 'Future reference Sir, I would advice you to play your cards more carefully. Now Skilled Dark Magician attack him directly.'

Crowler again covered his face, as the attack hit him. He then fell to his knees as his life points hit zero. Clearly he had underestimated Ace. Still at least now he was attending the academy. This would give Crowler a whole year to get his revenge for this humiliation. Crowler watched as Ace left the duel field, just then a screen flashed on. Crowler noticed it was Seto Kaiba. He gulped as he looked on the face of the duelling Tycoon. He was not happy.

Us Woman Attacked In Egypt Trident Dmg Download

'Crowler, my office now!' The screen then flashed off, leaving a very scared Crowler getting to his feet and heading towards his bosses office. This was not going to be good, that was for sure.

A/N: There you have it. So there will be no Synchro monsters like I originally planned. Also note Ace will not be using his God cards, in every duel, only the really important ones.