Dabblo 1 Dmg To Spells

Weapon damage is the number that you see under the big weapon DPS number on YOUR WEAPON. It's always 2 numbers, top and bottom end damage (like 1300-1900). A Skill that does 100% weapon damage, will do 1300, 1900 or anything in between. This damage now goes through all the multipliers like mainstat, crit, chd, etc. Level 1 spells in Diablo are considered to be the weakest ones in the game and are only really effective against lower level enemies. Characters’ beginning skills – Repair Item (Warrior), Find/Remove Traps (Rogue) and Recharge Staves (Sorcerer) are considered Level 1 spells, even though they are not magical.

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Sorceress Skills
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The Sorceress' fire spells provide the highest total damage of any of her skill trees, but tend to be slower to use and to require more exact positioning and aim to use to their greatest effect.

Fire Bolt[edit]

Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Synergies: Points in the following skills boost the damage of Fire Bolt.

  • Fire Ball: +16% Fire Damage Per Level
  • Meteor: +16% Fire Damage Per Level

Details: Shoots a small ball of fire. Fire Bolts hit only one target and have no splash damage.

  • A new Sorceress starts out with a staff of +1 to Fire Bolt.
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 3-68.76 10-1322.111 19-2542.316 29-4066.3
2 4-710.67 12-152612 21-2847.117 33-4575
3 6-914.48 13-1627.913 23-3151.918 37-5083.7
4 7-1016.39 15-1932.714 25-3456.719 41-5592.3
5 9-1220.210 17-2237.515 27-3761.520 45-60101


Required Level: 1
Prerequisites: None
Synergies: None.
Details: Warmth increases the Sorceress' mana regeneration rate. A mandatory skill for all Sorceresses, the only question with Warmth is how much is enough. This depends largely on the build; Sorcs who cast a lot of high mana skills, such as Nova, will want more points in this skill, while a Sorceress who specializes in Blizzard or Hydra will not need as much mana.

  • Mana regeneration rate is based on your total mana pool; more mana means more will regenerate per second.
  • If a Sorceress has mana regeneration items as well, the formula is: (BaseRegenrate*Warmth)+item.
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 +30%6 +90%11 +150%16 +210%
2 +42%7 +102%12 +162%17 +222%
3 +54%8 +114%13 +174%18 +234%
4 +66%9 +126%14 +186%19 +246%
5 +78%10 +138%15 +198%20 +258%


Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None

  • Warmth: +13% Fire Damage Per Level

Details: Inferno turns a Sorceress into a human flamethrower, capable of emitting a massive spout of flame for as long as the spell is kept active.

  • More points increase the damage and the range of this skill, making it capable of cooking dozens of enemies at once, if they are tightly packed.
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Skill Level Progression [e]
1 7 12-25 3.36 8 59-71 5.311 8 108-122 8.016 9 159-175 10.6
2 7 21-34 3.37 8 68-81 6.012 9 118-132 8.617 10 170-186 11.3
3 7 31-43 4.08 8 78-90 6.613 9 128-143 9.318 10 181-197 11.3
4 7 40-53 4.69 8 88-101 7.314 9 139-153 9.319 10 192-208 12.0
5 7 50-62 5.310 8 98-111 7.315 9 149-164 10.020 10 203-220 12.6


Required Level: 12
Synergies: None.Details: Blaze leaves a trail of fire behind the Sorceress as she walks or runs along, for as long as she keeps the spell active.

  • An interesting spell; this one can not be cast at anything; only created on the ground behind the Sorceress. It's therefore useless against shamans, ranged attackers, and other monsters that do not pursue.
  • Blaze is essentially a novelty spell, something fun to play with early on, but not practical or damaging enough to use long term.
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 11.0 18-37 4.6 sec6 13.0 65-84 9.6 sec11 16.0 126-145 14.6 sec16 18.0 196-215 19.6 sec
2 11.5 28-46 5.6 sec7 14.0 75-93 10.6 sec12 16.0 140-159 15.6 sec17 19.0 215-234 20.6 sec
3 12.0 37-56 6.6 sec8 14.0 84-103 11.6 sec13 17.0 154-173 16.6 sec18 19.0 234-253 21.6 sec
4 12.0 46-65 7.6 sec9 15.0 98-117 12.6 sec14 17.0 168-187 17.6 sec19 20.0 253-271 22.6 sec
5 13.0 56-75 8.6 sec10 15.0 112-131 13.6 sec15 18.0 182-201 18.6 sec20 20.0 271-290 23.6 sec


Required Level: 12
Prerequisites:Fire Bolt
Synergies: Points in the following skills boost the damage of Fireball:

  • Fire Bolt: +14% Fire Damage Per Level
  • Meteor: +14% Fire Damage Per Level

Details: A substantial upgrade from Firebolt, Fireballs are larger and more damaging, and they hit with splash damage, burning the target and any nearby monsters too.

  • This spell was unused for many versions of Diablo II, but since all the synergies were added it's become more popular for variants, and duelists.
Radius:1 Yard
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 5.010.5±4.520.26 7.550.5±7.597.111 10.0108±10207.716 12.5176±13338.5
2 5.519±536.57 8.059±8113.512 10.5121.5±10.5233.717 13.0192.5±13.5370.2
3 6.027±651.98 8.566.5±8.5127.913 11.0135.5±11.5260.618 13.5209.5±14.5402.9
4 6.535±667.39 9.080.5±9.5154.814 11.5149±12286.519 14.0226±15434.6
5 7.043±782.710 9.594±10180.815 12.0162.5±12.5312.520 14.5242.5±15.5466.3

Fire Wall[edit]

Casting Delay:: 1.4 Seconds
Required Level: 18
Prerequisites:Inferno, Blaze
Synergies: None.
Details: A wall of flame springs up in both directions from the spot the Sorceress targets for ignition.

  • One of the most damaging spells in the game, Firewalls can be stacked up to increase the damage to truly horrifying levels.
  • Monsters must stand still in the flames for the damage to truly cook into them, so using natural obstacles or minions to tank is a necessary strategy.
  • Some monsters have enough AI to attempt to avoid the flames.
Duration3.6 Seconds
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 22 70-93 46 27 281-304 1111 32 562-585 1816 37 890-914 24
2 23 112-135 67 28 323-346 1212 33 628-651 1917 38 989-1012 26
3 24 154-178 78 29 365-389 1413 34 693-717 2018 39 1087-1110 27
4 25 196-220 89 30 431-454 1514 35 759-782 2219 40 1185-1209 28
5 26 239-262 1010 31 496-520 1615 36 825-848 2320 41 1284-1307 30


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites:Fire Bolt, Warmth, Fireball

  • Warmth adds +9% Fire Damage Per Level

Details: Temporarily grants bonus fire damage and boosts the Attack Rating of any friendly player or minion. Enchant must be cast directly on the recipient.

  • This skill is largely a novelty or support skill for most Sorceresses, though some few variants specialize in it.
  • The benefit to minions is considerable, which can make it worthwhile for a Sorceress to carry an Orb with +enchant on it. When added to her usual +skills modifiers, this can be worth using, thanks to the long duration of the skill.
  • Enchanted characters and minions will display their damage in red numbers. When the red goes away, the spell has worn off.
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 25 8-10 144 +20%6 30 16-24 264 +65%11 35 31-44 384 +110%16 40 50-69 504 +155%
2 26 10-13 168 +29%7 31 18-27 288 +74%12 36 35-49 408 +119%17 41 56-76 528 +164%
3 27 11-16 192 +38%8 32 20-29 312 +83%13 37 39-54 432 +128%18 42 62-83 552 +173%
4 28 13-19 216 +47%9 33 23-34 336 +92%14 38 43-59 456 +137%19 43 68-90 576 +182%
5 29 15-21 240 +56%10 34 27-39 360 +101%15 39 46-64 480 +146%20 44 74-97 600 +191%


Casting Delay: 1.2 Seconds
Required Level: 24
Prerequisites:Fire Bolt, Inferno, Blaze, Fire Wall, Fireball
Synergies: Points in the following skills boost the damage of Meteor:

  • Fire Bolt: +5% Fire Damage Per Level
  • Fire Ball: +5% Fire Damage Per Level
  • Inferno: +3% Average Fire Damage Per Second Per Level

Details: A flaming ball of rock is called down from above, dealing explosive damage to the target and leaving a patch of fiery burning earth behind.

  • Meteors deal 100% fire damage, despite looking like a flaming stone on the way down.
  • The firefield left by a Meteor is less damaging and much smaller than that of a Firewall, so the key to using this skill effectively is to nail the targets with the meteor itself, as well as the firefield. This can be tricky with the casting delay, since it takes 1.2 seconds for the Meteor to reach the point you target. Use a tank to hold monsters still, or learn to 'lead' the target.
  • Meteors can be used anywhere, even in underground levels. Hey, it's magic!
Radius:4 Yards
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 17 88-110 35-586 19 214-247 84-10711 22 393-437 138-16416 24 608-663 199-222
2 17 113-137 44-677 20 239-275 93-11712 22 436-482 150-17517 25 696-752 213-236
3 18 138-165 53-778 20 265-302 103-12613 23 479-528 164-18718 25 782-841 227-253
4 18 163-192 63-899 21 308-347 114-13814 23 522-573 175-19919 26 869-930 243-267
5 19 189-220 72-9810 21 350-392 126-15015 24 565-618 187-21020 26 955-1019 257-281

Fire Mastery[edit]

Required Level: 30
Prerequisites: None
Synergies: None
Details: This skill passively raises the damage of all the Sorceress' fire skills, and is an essential skill for any fire sorceress.

Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlFire Dmg.SlvlFire Dmg.SlvlFire Dmg.SlvlFire Dmg.
1 +30%6 +65%11 +100%16 +135%
2 +37%7 +72%12 +107%17 +142%
3 +44%8 +79%13 +114%18 +149%
4 +51%9 +86%14 +121%19 +156%
5 +58%10 +93%15 +128%20 +163%



Casting Delay: 2 Seconds
Required Level: 30
Prerequisites:Fire Bolt, Warmth, Fireball, Enchant
Synergies: Hydra's damage is boosted by points in the following skills:

  • Fire Bolt: +3% Fire Damage Per Level
  • Fire Ball: +3% Fire Damage Per Level

Details: Hydras are three-headed dragons composed of pure flame. The heads each fire a constant stream of Fire Bolts, dealing damage to the target, but not splashing to the sides. The Hydra causes no damage itself; there's no area of effect damage simply from the flaming dragon, it has to shoot targets to hurt them.

  • Each three-headed Hydra lasts for 10 seconds, so with the 2-second casting delay it's possible to have 4 or 5 of them active at once. Individual Hydras aren't that effective, but when several of them are firing at once, the damage adds up quickly.
  • Some skill is necessary in placing Hydras. It's best if several of them can concentrate their fire on the same monster, so casting a bunch of them in a row to one side is usually the best tactic, instead of simply popping them up all throughout a mass of enemies, where their shots will be dispersed into numerous targets.
  • As with other casting delay skills, it's best to pick an alternate skill to use in between each Hydra cast. Firewall or Meteor work or if you want to diversify your damage Frozen Orb, Blizzard, or Nova work well.
Duration:10 Seconds
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 20 12-176 22 36-4611 25 66-8116 27 100-121
2 20 17-237 23 40-5212 25 72-8917 28 109-131
3 21 22-298 23 45-5813 26 79-9718 28 118-141
4 21 26-359 24 52-6614 26 86-10519 29 127-151
5 22 31-4010 24 59-7415 27 93-11320 29 135-161


Classes of the Diablo games - Skills[e]Diablo II:AmazonBarbNecroPaladinSorceressLoD:AssassinDruidOther:Diablo IDiablo III
The Amazon - Amazon Skills[e]
Bow and Crossbow SkillsJavelin and Spear SkillsPassive and Magic Skills

• Magic Arrow
• Fire Arrow
• Cold Arrow
• Multiple Shot
• Exploding Arrow

• Ice Arrow
• Guided Arrow
• Immolation Arrow
• Strafe
• Freezing Arrow

• Jab
• Power Strike
• Poison Javelin
• Impale
• Lightning Bolt

• Charged Strike
• Plague Javelin
• Fend
• Lightning Strike
• Lightning Fury

• Inner Sight
• Critical Strike
• Dodge
• Slow Missiles
• Avoid

• Penetrate
• Decoy
• Evade
• Valkyrie
• Pierce

The Barbarian - Barbarian Skills[e]
Combat Masteries SkillsCombat SkillsWarcry Skills

• Sword Mastery
• Axe Mastery
• Mace Mastery
• Polearm Mastery
• Throwing Mastery

• Spear Mastery
• Increased Stamina
• Iron Skin
• Increased Speed
• Natural Resistance

• Bash
• Leap
• Double Swing
• Stun
• Double Throw

• Leap Attack
• Concentrate
• Frenzy
• Whirlwind
• Berserk

• Howl
• Find Potion
• Taunt
• Shout
• Find Item

• Battle Cry
• Battle Orders
• Grim Ward
• War Cry
• Battle Command

The Necromancer - Necromancer Skills[e]
Curse SkillsPoison & Bones SkillsSummoning Skills

• Amplify Damage
• Dim Vision
• Weaken
• Iron Maiden
• Terror

• Confuse
• Life Tap
• Attract
• Decrepify
• Lower Resist

• Teeth
• Bone Armor
• Poison Dagger
• Corpse Explosion
• Bone Wall

• Poison Explosion
• Bone Spear
• Bone Prison
• Poison Nova
• Bone Spirit

• Raise Skeleton
• Skeleton Mastery
• Clay Golem
• Golem Mastery
• Raise Skeletal Mage

• Blood Golem
• Summon Resist
• Iron Golem
• Fire Golem
• Revive

The Paladin - Paladin Skills[e]
Combat SkillsDefensive AurasOffensive Auras

• Sacrifice
• Smite
• Holy Bolt
• Zeal
• Charge

• Vengeance
• Blessed Hammer
• Conversion
• Holy Shield
• Fist of the Heavens

• Prayer
• Resist Fire
• Resist Cold
• Resist Lightning
• Defiance

• Cleansing
• Vigor
• Meditation
• Redemption
• Salvation

• Might
• Holy Fire
• Thorns
• Blessed Aim
• Concentration

• Holy Freeze
• Holy Shock
• Sanctuary
• Fanaticism
• Conviction

The Sorceress - Sorceress Skills[e]
Cold SkillsFire SkillsLightning Skills

• Ice Bolt
• Frozen Armor
• Frost Nova
• Ice Blast
• Shiver Armor

• Glacial Spike
• Blizzard
• Chilling Armor
• Frozen Orb
• Cold Mastery

• Fire Bolt
• Warmth
• Inferno
• Blaze
• Fireball

• Fire Wall
• Enchant
• Meteor
• Fire Mastery
• Hydra

• Charged Bolt
• Telekinesis
• Static Field
• Lightning
• Nova

• Chain Lightning
• Teleport
• Thunder Storm
• Energy Shield
• Lightning Mastery

The Assassin - Assassin Skills[e]
Martial Arts SkillsShadow Disciplines SkillsTraps Skills

• Tiger Strike
• Dragon Talon
• Dragon Claw
• Fists of Fire
• Cobra Strike

• Dragon Tail
• Claws of Thunder
• Blades of Ice
• Dragon Flight
• Phoenix Strike

• Claw Mastery
• Psychic Hammer
• Burst of Speed
• Cloak of Shadows
• Weapon Block

• Fade
• Shadow Warrior
• Mind Blast
• Venom
• Shadow Master

• Fire Blast
• Shock Web
• Blade Sentinel
• Charged Bolt Sentry
• Wake of Fire

• Blade Fury
• Lightning Sentry
• Wake of Inferno
• Death Sentry
• Blade Shield

The Druid - Druid Skills[e]
Elemental SkillsShapeshifting SkillsSummoning Skills

• Firestorm
• Molten Boulder
• Arctic Blast
• Fissure
• Cyclone Armor

• Twister
• Volcano
• Tornado
• Hurricane
• Armageddon

• Werewolf
• Lycanthropy
• Werebear
• Maul
• Feral Rage

• Fire Claws
• Rabies
• Shock Wave
• Hunger
• Fury

• Raven
• Poison Creeper
• Oak Sage
• Summon Spirit Wolf
• Carrion Vine

• Heart of Wolverine
• Summon Dire Wolf
• Solar Creeper
• Spirit of Barbs
• Summon Grizzly

Diablo I - SpellsHellfire - Spells[e]
Rogue - Sorcerer - WarriorBarbarian - Bard - Monk

• Apocalypse
• Blood Star
• Bone Spirit
• Chain Lightning
• Charged Bolt
• Elemental
• Fireball

• Firebolt
• Fire Wall
• Flame Wave
• Flash
• Golem
• Guardian
• Healing

• Heal Other
• Holy Bolt
• Identify
• Inferno
• Infravision
• Lightning
• Mana Shield

• Nova
• Phasing
• Resurrect
• Stone Curse
• Telekinesis
• Teleport
• Town Portal

• Berserk
• Immolation
• Jester
• Lightning Wall
• Magi

• Mana
• Reflect
• Ring of Fire
• Search
• Warp

Diablo III Classes Diablo III Class Info [e]

Diablo III:
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

Other classes:
Archivist (April Fool's)
Dervish (rejected)
Fan-made classes

Skill info:
Active skills
Passive skills
Signature skills
Fan-made skills


Archetype sub-types:

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'Spells' is an informal term for skills that are cast as magical attacks, rather than skills that modify weapon-based attacks. Spells are largely used by mage characters; the Wizard and Witch Doctor in Diablo III.

The term is nebulous; virtually everyone would agree that skills like Electrocute and Locust Swarm are 'spells' but skills like Ground Stomp and Impenetrable Defense might not be considered as such. There's no game importance to the term; it's purely a piece of terminology.

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  • 1Spell Damage

Spell Damage[edit | edit source]

Electrocute, one of the Wizard skills.

There are several major changes to the calculation of spell damage in Diablo III.

  • There are no skill points.
  • There are numerous changes to attributes.
  • Spell damage is determined by weapon damage.
  • Spell casting rate is derived from weapon attack speed.
  • Items add +% spell damage. (Removed during development.)
  • Runestones vastly increase skill variety.

These factors combine to greatly modify the performance of spell casting characters in Diablo III. See the following sections for more details.

Skill Points[edit | edit source]

The removal of skill points is one of the biggest of the many changes to the combat engine in Diablo III. Characters get one skill to start with, and additional Active Skill Slots become available at Clvl 3, 6, 12, 18, and finally 24. Characters thus have a maximum of six skills enabled past Clvl 24, though the six so chosen can be switched around endlessly ((see the respecs article for details).

Without skill points, skills are all balanced (roughly), and they scale up with Clvl, attributes, equipment, and more. This makes many more skills viable for the end game, and allows much more skill experimentation.

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Attributes[edit | edit source]

The entire attribute system was overhauled in Diablo III. See the attributes article for more details, but in terms of spell damage, the key information is that spell damage is calculated much like weapon damage, with a base value that is modified (increased) by attributes, equipment bonuses, weapon stats, and more. This entirely changes the build dynamics for casters, who could use attribute points purely for vitality or equipment requirements in Diablo II.

Spell Damage[edit | edit source]

Spell damage is calculated much like melee weapon or ranged attack damage was calculated in Diablo II. This is a big change, since in Diablo 2 spell damage was determined chiefly by equipment bonuses, skill points (including synergies), and Clvl. In Diablo III players with caster characters are as dependent upon good equipment, especially weapons, as combat characters.

Casting Speed[edit | edit source]

In Diablo III, casting speed is determined not by an inherent character property, but by the item equipped. Faster hitting weapons allow for faster spell casting. Furthermore, DoT effects have their 'tick rate' set by the weapon that inflicts the damage. This also makes faster attack bonuses as useful for mages as for combat characters, and provides a built in advantage to lighter damage/faster weapons, and a penalty to higher damage/slower weapons.

+% Spell Damage Affixes[edit | edit source]

Early in Diablo III's development, the developers talked a great deal about the importance of +% spell damage modifiers. Their initial design theory was that mages would focus their equipment goals on assembling as much +% damage as possible, much as combat characters do. Over the course of the game's development, this system changed, and as of the Beta test +% spell damage equipment seems to have been removed from the game. Some may still appear at higher levels, but if so it will likely be a fairly rare modifier.

Interestingly, +% damage bonuses on weapons has been greatly diminished in importance as well, with the % bonuses quite small. For instance, numerous high level Legendary items have +30% or less bonus damage. As a result, modifiers such as +attribute bonuses are much more important and impactful on total character damage.

For example, the damage dealt by ' basic attacks and aura are both classified as 'pet damage' in addition to basic attack damage and ability damage, respectively. This is in addition to any other classifications. https://matchomg.netlify.app/what-type-of-dmg-do-to-towers-do-lol.html. Critical damage will be reduced by, triggers, as well as the highest instance of critical damage being tracked in the post-game stats.Pet damagePet damage is an additional tag applied to the damage inflicted.

Spell Damage Explained[edit | edit source]

In December 2011 one of the lead developers of Diablo III's skill system, Wyatt Cheng, posted a lengthy and highly-informative write up of the current functions and issues with the skill damage system. [1]

Okay so first I’ll start by saying that all of your math is correct, (except for the one exception case that I’ll mention later). The conclusions are all based on information you have available, so mostly I’m going to mention a few things to consider, and then I’ll fill in with additional information to complete the picture.

First, a few qualitative comments:

Yes, your build absolutely matters. Some builds may be well designed to favor 2-Handers, and some may favor 1-handers. So the general statement of “The correct weapon depends on your build” overrides everything else I write.

Additionally though, two general rules of Diablo weapon speeds still applies – spilled damage matters, and speed matters for combat effectiveness. In WoW, you might use a 1.5 second cast spell over a 2.5 second cast spell because you simply can’t afford to stand still that extra 1 second. How many spells in WoW do you cast purely by virtue of them being instant cast or castable while moving? In Diablo, virtually every spell is working off of your weapon speed, and the need to be able to quickly move 1/10th of a second sooner sometimes matters. Spilled damage matters too. Many aspects of Diablo involve fighting hordes of small monsters. When a monster has only 150 health, who really cares that you hit it for 300 damage instead of 200 damage? Either way it’s dead. And if it’s dead with a faster weapon, that means you can get to the next monster faster. This means that a weapon with a 1.3 (attacks per second) speed that can 1-shot enemies actually has a 30% killing throughput increase over a weapon with a 1.0 (attacks per second) speed.

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“But I don’t care about these edge cases”.

Well first, I would argue that in Diablo, these aren’t edge cases, they are a core part of the gameplay that come up all of the time.

HOWEVER, for those who are insistent on maximizing theoretical DPS and AP usage, we’ve decided to cover you anyways.

First, straight up. all things being equal, 2-handers do more damage than 1-handers. This is pretty obvious, but I want to confirm and validate this. The reason it’s important to call this out is that all the calculations assume “for any 2 items of the same DPS”. But that’s not a great starting point, because for any two comparable items at any given level, 2-handers do at least 15% more damage than 1-handers, and in many cases 20-25% more.

To put it another way, many of the posts in the linked thread make an assumption that two weapons are equal DPS. This assumption is flawed – what you really want to ask is “For the theoretically best 2-hander in the entire world (even though I’ll never get one)” vs. “the theoretically best 1-hander in the entire world (even though I’ll never get one)”.

However, what you choose to put in your off-hand, should you choose to wield one, matters.

First, no matter WHAT you use, you are getting a bunch of extra stats. In addition to DPS from Attack and Precision, you’re getting whatever other item stats are on your offhand. So you’re trading off a theoretical Arcane power efficiency boost for the stats of an offhand.

Furthermore, if you use a shield, you’re getting a big armor boost. If you haven’t played Diablo in a while, people easily forget, but a lot of Sorceress players used a shield in Diablo II. For some players there is a “fantasy” of “I don’t need a shield ’cause I don’t plan on getting hit”. The reality is that we don’t let you get away with that in Diablo. You get hit. We don’t have heal, tank and DPS roles in Diablo, so everybody in Diablo eventually takes damage.

Additionally, if you choose to use an orb, every wizard Orb (and witchdoctor Mojo) comes with +dmg on it. So if your mainhand does 8-10 damage at 1.4 (Attacks Per Second) speed, and your orb adds 3-4 damage, then that means you’re doing 11-14 damage at 1.4 speed. In many cases the orb + the stats on the orb completely closes the 15-25% DPS gap between 2-handers and 1-handers.

Add on top of that +dmg from your rings and amulets, and currently with internal tuning numbers (this may not be how we ship), but 1-handers + offhand out-DPS 2-handers almost all of the time. It takes a luckily rolled 2-hander to out-DPS most 1-hand + offhand setups if you can also spare some +dmg on your rings and amulets.

Finally, fast weapons are better at fishing for procs. Diablo has lots of very cool proc effects. Chance to gain Arcane power on critical hit. Chance to summon a fetish on spell cast passive on the Witchdoctor. Faster and more frequent casts means more opportunities to fish for procs.

Where does that leave us? Well currently for internal testing of Inferno mode, 1H+Orb is overwhelmingly better. You get more damage, better mobility, more stats, and more proc fishing. 2H gets you better Arcane Power efficiency. If anything I’m currently worried that 2H is too weak. The most likely solution on this front will be to reduce the amount of +dmg found on rings and amulets to reel in the damage advantage of 1H+Orb. However, the value of Arcane Power efficiency varies the more you have to run and move. If you’re running and moving constantly, then AP efficiency lets you drop big bombs like meteor and Hydra when you finally get to stand still. Since the amount of running and moving varies from situation to situation, I’m actually fairly happy with where things are.

Diablo 1 Dmg To Spells 2

On the topic of Disintegrate and Arcane Torrent, we’re actually currently considering a change to make them drain AP faster, to match the drain rate on all other skills. I haven’t decided yet whether it’s better for the game for the philosophy on AP to remain consistent across all skills, or if it’s cool that 2 skills break the rule. (Ray of Frost breaks it too BTW). I am currently leaning towards having it drain AP faster because although I absolutely LOVE having different skills for different builds, I also think that when it comes to your resource system, having some standardized themes is what makes it possible to design all the OTHER skills/systems that break those rules. For example, standardized “fast weapons drain AP faster” is also what let’s us do “Arcane power on Crit” that let’s you feel like you’re cheating with all the skills.

On a side note, I don’t think you actually get any potential DPS increase by being able to squeeze in an extra cast in between casts of meteor because the time of 4.8 seconds is the amount of time it takes to regenerate back the AP cost of Meteor, but it’s not like any additional AP just ‘disappeared”, you still have it. A 65 AP cost spell gives you a 35 AP buffer to pool over multiple casts. So let’s say that you figure out your theoretical breakpoint is “6.9 electrocutes in between every meteor” and you think you’re going to get an extra cast if you can get that to “7 electrocutes between every meteor”. That’s not really correct because 6.9 actually plays out as “Meteor // 6 Electrocutes'.. repeated 9 times followed by “Meteor-7 electrocutes”.

To be even more pedantic, (but I know you theorycrafting folks geek out on this stuff anyways), this has never actually come up as a balancing issue in any of our internal tests because a Wizard never stands still shooting long enough for this to ever actually matter. The truth is that you’re going to weave in other skills, or have to spend time moving, or whatever else long before anything in the previous paragraph matters.


Scrolls[edit | edit source]

One type of 'spell' that can't be considered a skill is something cast by a scroll. There were several scrolls found in Diablo III during development, but as of the beta test only two remain:

  • The Scroll of Identify works just as it did in Diablo II. These items are much less needed in Diablo 3, since blue (magical) items do not need to be identified. Only Rares, Sets, and Legendary items require Identify scrolls.
  • The Scroll of Companion is a new type of spell. These summon a small 'pet' that scurries (or flaps) around the dungeon, picking up gold for you.

Removed scrolls:

Witch Doctor casting Firebats.
  • The Scroll of Wealth was present during development, but was removed in 2011. Its function has been replaced by the Cauldron of Jordan.
  • The Scroll of Town Portal was also present during development, but was removed since it provided an easy and exploitable escape hatch. The Stone of Recall allows quick trips to and from town, but there is a lengthy casting time, which is interrupted if the player moves, casts a spell, attacks, etc, during it.

Diablo 1 Dmg To Spells 2

Windows how to open dmg. Because of this explanation, a DMG is regularly the file format used to store the compacted programming installers as opposed to using a physical drive. A file having the DMG file extension is an Apple Disk Image file, or once in a while called a Mac OS X Disk Image file, which is fundamentally an advanced reconstruction of a physical disc.

+%Spell Damage Retrospective[edit | edit source]

As a useful memory of how important the +% spell damage modifier was set for, read this quote from Flux's post-Blizzcon 2009 Wizard write up: [2]

When viewing the listed damage on each spell, it’s important to keep in mind that those are not absolute numbers, in D3. They’re much like weapon damage; modified by your wizard’s attributes, your character level, by other skills, and also by your equipment. Lots of types of items in D3 carry modifiers that boost spell damage, usually by a percentage.
I found numerous wands, staves, and even pieces of armor with values between +5-25% spell damage, and that was just in the early stages of the game. We know nothing about higher level equipment bonuses, and it’s entirely possible that the D3 team is projecting high level characters to have +100%, +200%, or who knows, +500%, spell damage. If so they’ll be adjusting the base spell damage accordingly, which might make it look very low to our untrained eyes.
Here’s an example from early in the game, that was mentioned in the Witch Doctor skills report. The skill tree listed damage on my level 2 Skull of Flame spell was 6-9, yet with a level 12 Witch Doctor my Inventory screen showed 19-29 for that spell. I don’t think I had more than +50% spell damage from equipment, so assuming the display values aren’t wrong (in D2’s infamous LCS style), there are considerable bonuses added to damage from character attributes, which are then further boosted by the spell damage bonuses on your equipment.

Diablo 1 Dmg To Spells Pdf

This is all part of the D3 team’s plan to make all of the attributes useful to all characters, and to make more types of modifiers useful/essential to spell casters. We don’t know enough yet to judge how well it’s working, but it should be a substantial change from how spell damage was calculated and scaled up (or not) in D2.
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