Meal With Dmg Resist Bdo

And this if I want more dmg: Crit dmg +20%. Ignore Resistance +3%. Or this if I need defense: Ignore Resistance +4%. Resistance +4%. Reduce dmg from monster +12%. 2 food have effective time is 90 minutes, 1 food 120 minutes. Every food have CD time = 30 minutes. And the effect not stack if they duplicate. For grain, you can use wheat, barley, potato, sweet potato, and corn. You can purchase other ingredients from the cooking vendor. In regards to the grain produced by garden farming, high-quality grain can be exchanged for 2 and top-quality grain for 1.

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /customers/7/9/a/ on line 866

Training is everything!
Lets get straight to the point – doing Bosses means dying – depending on your class even dying a lot. However you can drastically reduce the amount of your death with proper training.
While you always can go right into a Field Boss having all those other people around isnt really productive. Instead you can use the Co-op Summoning Scrolls to train any Boss as long as you want (but Kzarka).
Especially as a melee you have to train the movement around the Boss over and over again to minimize your deathcount. Death will cost you loot / Elixirs and gems.

Prepare your Inventory
Going Hunting your Inventory should be empty enough to loot 15-30 items. Bosses might spawn in rapid succession and those nasty greys around their spawns are also dropping a lot of useless junk.
Depending on your Class you should prepare enough Potions as well to last 2-3 Bossfights before you need to refill your stock. My Ranger e.g. stocks up 100 Large HP and 300 Large MP Potions everytime I cross a Potion Vendor.

Knowledge and HP Bars
First, lets talk about Knowledge. Knowledge is not only helpful as you finally will see the HP Bar of your target dropping but the higher ranks will grant you additional benefits.

S Rank
Increases the Chance for Rare Items

Increasing your damage even further

Increasing your damage

Reduce the damage taken

Detailed HP Bar

You will always gain all benefits for and below your rank that means with an S Rank you gain increase damage, reduced damage taken and better chances on dropping something useful. You basically can reset any Bossknowledge below B – A is the minimum you need!

If you do not have any Knowledge about the Boss you can still “read” the HP Bar depending on the color of it.

Dedicated World Boss Character
Regardless of the class of your Main you should get at least one dedicated Boss Character! If we already prepare for Valenica you should get another one ready. You ask yourself why? Well, the answer is time. Imagine you are farming Sausans or on Kuit Island and Kzarka is spawning… even if you have a nice Mount it will take you a good amount of time to get to the spawn – and the Field Bosses have even less HP. Having a dedicated Character in the Boss area will allow you to do whatever you want with your main while still getting that precious loot. Once the Bosses are dead you resume to whatever you did by simply switching back to your Main. As Valenica will introduce even more Bosses a second character will greatly improve your loot as you simply have one Character positioned around Heidel and the other one in Valenica. The bigger the world will get the more characters are recommended. (I am currently preparing my 3rd World Boss Character)

Choose your Starting Channel
This is an imporant choice to make and there are serveral things that should influence your decision.
1. Is there any guild in this Channel that you have a Guild Wars against?
2. How many people do normally start in this Channel?
3. Does the channel start in this channel? (A1 / A2)
4. Do the people of that channel share information?
5. How fast is the channel compared to other channel? (Multi Kills)

About GvG, PvP and Groups
Do not GvG/PvP at a Boss! It is simply not worth it and you will kill your own loot. If the other guild keeps messing with you simply switch the channel (if the Boss is not close to dead of course) or invite them into a Party. People in Guild Wars often just want to do the Boss as well and while being in group you cannot damage each other.

With the Patch on the 05/18/2016 DAUM added “Party Bonus Loot” yet on this point it seems I am dumb and/or blind. I tried to group up multiple times but couldn’t see any difference in Loot. Yet grouping does give some benefits e.g. the buffs from other classes like the AP Buff from the Sorceress or the AS/CS Buff from the Witch/Wizard. There is no negative effected on grouping so doing it will never reduce your chance on loot but in some cases it might also not grant you any benefit. 90% of all time I solo Bosses even while my Guild Mates are in Teamspeak with me and on the same Boss and I do get my normal Loot out of it.

Get the Timer!
One of the most important things is to know when the Bosses will spawn. Field Bosses (Dim Tree Spirit, Red Nose, Dhastard Bheg & Giant Mudster) will respawn 10-19 hours after their spawn and Kzarka will respawn after 25-35 hours after his spawn. There are some more of less working Boss Timer Sites out there but this is something you have to look up for yourself.

Meal With Dmg Resist Bdo Online

I don’t want to dive to deep into this as I could write a whole Theory/Guide on this topic so I will make this short:
For Armor melee classes should take three pieces Agerian + Talis Shoes while ranged classes should always pick full Grunil.
As a starter weapon get a Krea Mainhand and the AP Offhand. Use Bares Jewelry or Witch’s Earring, Mark of Shadow, Ogre Ring and Schulz/Tree Spirit Belt.
You do not need a single item with Accuracy!
Later you switch to Liverto or Kzarka as weapon + Nouver Offhand while enhancing your Jewelry.
Regardless of your set make sure you get 5 AS/CS depending on your class and most classes want to stack 5 Crit as well. Count in Buff Food as you should have that up all the time.
Get yourself at least an Imperfect Alchemie Stone of Destruction for cheap +2 AP!

For more Information on Equipment you can check out this part of the guide. Even while this is written for Ranger you can simply switch the Armor accordingly and use the rest of the recommended items.

Buff Food
Regardless of your Class you should always use at least a Serendia Special on any Boss. In addition I highly recommend a Calpheon Special for every class but Ranger/Witch/Wizard. Depending on your Equipment you can also use Mediah Special to increase your damage.

For the Offensive Elixir you should always use Elixir of Frenzy (+20AP/-10DP) for Dimitri and Kzarka I recommend the blue Elixir of Frenzy (+25AP/-15DP) I know those are expensive but you will get the investment back! I recommend Frenzy over Fury because on how the damage is calculated in this game (Damage Calculation (Link will be added once I have written everything down)) but you should at least use Fury if you do not believe in my word (yet).
As Defense Elixir I can only recommend Elixir of Will (-15% damage in PvE) or the blue version for Melee (-20% damage in PvE) I am using this on my Ranger as well!

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Preparation & Buff Food
Boss Locations
Boss Information
The Checklist
Build Your Boss Hunter
BYBH: Skills
BYBH: Boss Tactics
Some Final Words

You can buff up your specs temporarily by consuming what you make from the cooking skill, which is one of the life skills in BDO. Korean players refer to the use of these consumables as doping, in reference to how athletes use doping to improve their performance.

Food is used to buff up specs in order to gain advantages in PvE, PvP and in life skills. It works as enhancement for various elements; damage, accuracy, or critical hit rate, and also increases the probability of success or reduces the time it takes to craft certain items. There are also foods that help you gain more experience points, or a temporarily increase to the weight limit you can carry.

Even though it shares similarities with Elixirs which are another type of item that buffs up the specs, there are still differences. Food usually has a 30-minute cooldown, and lasts for 30 to 120 minutes. You can combine different food buffs by utilizing the fact that their cooldown is shorter than the time the buff lasts.

Some types of food provide an exceptional effect, giving more than 2 types of buff at once. The typical examples would be ‘meal’ and ‘special’ which are a combination of multiple foods. These are favored for providing 3 buffs at once, allowing players to have stronger and more efficient effects at the same time. Players are therefore actively exchanging information in regards to ‘the best way to buff up’.

It is common knowledge that you consume the food depending on what you need at the time. If you need more exp, you prepare food that provides an exp boost, such as milk tea.

Meal With Dmg Resist Bdo Locations

In the case of faster grinding, food that enhances AP and accuracy is consumed, or food with damage reduction or enhanced evasion for safer grinding. If the target is a human, there are a number of ways you can do additional damage such as the consumption of Knight Combat Rations.

As you can see, the type of food differs depending on how and for what purpose the players would like to play their character. There is food that can fulfill almost any specific purpose the players have, so it would be good to know the provided effects of all the food in advance.

When using food to buff your character, it is crucial to take your gear and specs into consideration. This particularly becomes more critical when it comes to PvP, because the difference of one level of potential can determine the victor.

Players are required to display their full potential in cases of a node war, where the intense battle is done in a limited time. For these instances, players usually consume different types of meals in 30 minute intervals.

There is a list of the combinations of a few meals used in the community. Although there might be a combination of meals that would provide the fullest efficiency, it requires different types of food depending on equipment and specs, so there is no ultimate solution to what needs to be consumed.

The table of the name, effect, and duration of each meal and special

The combination of meals differs between 3 and 4 meals. Normal meals are consumed in the case of the combination of 3, but the special is also consumed for the combination of 4. Players normally consume at least 3 meals when an intense battle is expected.

One thing to note is that you are not supposed to buff up with foods that would overlap each other’s effects. In the case of consuming foods with the same effects, the higher version is applied and the preexisting one disappears.

Meal with dmg resist bdo locations

For example, Margoria Seafood Extravaganza increases HP and critical hit rate, and the same effects apply to Calpheon and Serendia Meals. Therefore, the player would lose one effect if Serendia or Calpheon Meal is consumed after Margoria Seafood Extravaganza.

However, that does not mean that taking the risk of losing a couple of effects is useless. There is a combination of food that may have overlapping effects but is considered worth the risk due to the other beneficial effect. The combination of Valencian Meal and King of Jungle Hamburg is a typical example.

Meal With Dmg Resist Bdo Account

If you are preparing for a node war that starts at 8PM, you are supposed to be ready with the right food one hour before the war. Some players call this a ‘diet’ in which you use two meals an hour before the war starts and consume the other one at 8PM, completing the combination of 3 foods buff.

The combination of Serendia, Valencian Meals, and King of Jungle Hamburg is one of the popular ones among players. It balances attack and survival, and increases critical hit damage as well. However, the combination also causes a loss of the ‘ignoring all resistance’ buff from the combination of Valencian Meal and King of Jungle Hamburg.

Meal with dmg resist bdo card

This opposes the rule of not consuming meals that possess the same effects, but the main effect of King of Jungle Hamburg is increasing the critical hit damage, so it doesn't really matter.

If you are not so fond of risking the loss of effects, there are always other combinations that you can use. One of them is to consume a Calpheon Meal instead of King of Jungle Hamburg. This increases the maximum HP, strengthening the potential of survival a little better.

Meal With Dmg Resist Bdo Card

There is also the combination that utilizes better critical hit rate, and that is to use a Margoria Seafood Extravaganza instead of Serendia. Margoria Seafood Extravaganza increases 2 ranks of critical hit rate and maximum HP and is considered a favorable choice among many players. They often combine it with a King of Jungle Hamburg in order to increase critical hit damage.

Meal With Dmg Resist Bdo Online

The lack of damage from the combination of Margoria Seafood Extravaganza and King of Jungle Hamburg is made up for by using a Knight Combat Rations instead of Serendia Meal. This is due to the overlapping critical hit rate buff of the Serendia and Margoria Meals. If you want to play safer, a Valencian Meal would be better than a King of Jungle Hamburg.

The popularity of certain meals among players does not mean that they are always right. It would be much better and more fun to research what buffs need to be taken in order for strengths to stand out and for weaknesses to be mitigated.

The summary of the most frequently used foods and respective effects

The summary of the foods providing direct effects to the combat (low to high)

The summary of the foods providing effects to combat and survival (low to high)

The summary of the foods providing EXP boost (low to high)

The summary of the foods providing aid to life skills (low to high)

The summary of the foods providing indirect aid to life skills (low to high)

Soojong 'Cabon' Lee
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Junseok “Tonny” Bae
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