Undead Healing From Necrotic Dmg

anonymous asks: In The Sunken Tomb (44) Vex dies instantly from being hit with enough Necrotic damage to take her down to 0. But, in Whispers (29) Percy also goes down to 0 from the Banshee's slash that deals Necrotic damage, yet doesn't die. Is it a rule in 5e that Necrotic damage that takes you down to 0 is an auto-kill? Because I seem to recall it was the same way during the K'varn fight with Grog, and that was also the fear at the end of the Ziggurat fight? Or maybe Matt just forgot about it?

There are no general rules for healing spells or specific creature types such as undead so this is a question that can only be answered on a case-by-case basis. Look at a specific healing spell, then look at the monster's stat block. If neither of them mention anything about that spell dealing damage to undead, it doesn't do so. Mar 22, 2016 As anti-life energy, it is harmful to living creatures, but may have little or no effect on undead or constructs. Many attacks that use necrotic damage also have an instant death effect tied to them, but dealing necrotic damage to a player character with low HP isn’t necessarily the kiss of death for them.

Necrotic damage, by itself, is simply a type of damage. As anti-life energy, it is harmful to living creatures, but may have little or no effect on undead or constructs. Many attacks that use necrotic damage also have an instant death effect tied to them, but dealing necrotic damage to a player character with low HP isn’t necessarily the kiss of death for them.

Undead healing from necrotic dmg download

From the non-instant-kill side, you bring up the Banshee’s Corrupting Touch (average of 12 necrotic damage). A PC who fell victim to Keyleth’s Blight would not die automatically, either (unless they were somehow a nonmagical plant, as explained in the spell description). Beholders also have a non-instant-kill necrotic eye ray called the Enervation Ray (36 on a failed, half on save).

Undead Healing From Necrotic Dmg Skin

However, the attacks you mentioned above all have some sort of death effect tied to them. There’s the Death Ray that Beholders have (55 on a fail, half on success). The spell description for Finger of Death explains that victims who drop below 0 HP instantly die and become a zombie under the control of the caster on their next turn. The trap surrounding the champion of the Raven Queen (the goddess of death) also killed those who fell below 0 HP.

Undead Healing From Necrotic Dmg Download

So, necrotic is bad news, but really, whether it’s instant or not depends on the spell description.

Undead Healing From Necrotic Dmg Movie


Undead Types

  • Natural Animate: Skeletons levels 1-3-5-10 (234), Zombies levels 2-3-4-6 (274), Ghouls levels 5-13 (118), Skull Lords level 10 (235), Wights levels 4-5-9-12-18 (262) and Flameskulls levels 8-24 (109) are natural animate undead because they are created form corpses of the natural world. (see the PHB's page 280 for animate and 282 for natural)
  • Shadow: Ghosts levels 4-8-12-21 (116), Specters levels 4-23 (244),Wraiths levels 5-6-17-25 (266),Devourers levels 11-12-20 (68), Boneclaws level 14 (37), Bodaks levels 16-18 (36) and Nightwalkers level 20 (197)are considered shadow kind because they inhabit the Sahdowfell. (taken form the Glossary of the PHB page 282)
  • Elemental: Abisal Ghouls levels 16-18-23 (118) and Rot Harbingers levels 20-22 (223) are elemental undead created by demonic fiends of the Abyss. (PHB 281)
  • Magical Beast: The Atropals level 25 (11)the only magical beast undead creature in the 4e's MM, they becameundeads by the remaining energies that create gods. (based ondescription)

Undead Templates

For creating special kind of undead, the ones that are more thanmere tools for Necromancers, a special ritual is required for theircreation. There are four templates in 4e (to the date), but more couldbe created with their own ritual requirement.

  • The Lich's template is found at page 179 of the DMG, andone ritual appears on page 177 of the MM. With this you can turn anyliving creature or player into a standard undead.
  • A Death Knight's template can be found at page 177 of the DMG where a ritual is mentioned but not explained,more information about death knights can be found at page 50 of the MM.This is specific for knights but it could work nicely (changing itspowers) with any class.
  • For the Mummy (Lord and Champion), thetemplates are at page 179 of the DMG, more information about them cancan be found on page 192 of the MM. This one is the only special undeadthat according to the books its not intelligent or sentient.
  • The Vampire template is on page 181 of the DMG, theritual for creating vampires is at page 259 of the MM, and moreinformation about the monster is at page 258 of the MM.

Undead Powers

Here is a list of the Powers of undead monsters, that if modifiedshould fit well as necromancer's powers or aspowers that Necromancers can make its Undead Creatures use.

Utility Powers

  • Ghostly Terrain(standard; daily) * zone
Area burst 1 within 10; the area is suddenly filled withghostly lights, wisps of necrotic mist, and the faint whispers of thedead. The zone is difficult terrain and lightly obscured. Any creaturethat enters or ends its turn in the zone is immobilized (save ends).The zone last until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. Used by Ghosts.

At-Will Powers

  • Spirit/Spectral Touch(standard; at-will) * necrotic
Intelligence Vs. Reflex; 1d10 + Intelligence necrotic damage. Used by Banshees and Specters.
  • Shadow Touch(Standard, at-will) * necrotic
Intelligence Vs. Reflex; 1d6 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and the target is weakened. Used by Wraiths.
  • Touch of Madness(Standard, at-will) * psychic
Intelligence Vs. Will; 1d6 + Intelligence psychic damage, and the target takes -2 penalty to will defense (save ends). Used by Wraiths.
  • Roting Claw(standard; at-will) * necrotic
Intelligence Vs. AC; 2d10 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save end). Used by Rot Harbringers.
  • Necrotizing Touch(standard; at-will) * necrotic
Intelligence Vs. Reflex; 2d10 + Intelligence damage, and thetarget takes ongoing 15 necrotic damage and a -2 penalty to attackrolls, and the target looses any resistance or immunity to necroticdamage (save ends all). Used by Atropals.
  • Shadow Ray(standard; at-will) * necrotic
Ranged 20; Intelligence Vs. Reflex; 2d8 + Intelligence Necrotic Damage.Used by Liches.
  • Orb of Decay(standard; at-will) * necrotic
Ranged 10; Intelligence Vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + Intelligencenecrotic damage, and the target is weakened and takes -2 penalty tosaving throws (save ends both). Used by Rot Slingers.
  • Grave Bolt(Standard, at-will) * necrotic
Ranged 20; Intelligence Vs. Reflex; 1d6 + Intelligence and the target is immobilized (save ends). Used by Wights.
  • Mote of Corruption(standard, at-will) * necrotic
Ranged 10; Constitution Vs. Reflex; 2d6 + Constitution necrotic damage, and the target is weakened. Used by Zombies.

Encounter Powers

  • Touch of Chaos(Standard, encounter) * psychic
Intelligence Vs. Will; 2d6 + Intelligence psychic damage, andthe target moves up to its speed and makes a basic attack against itsnearest ally as a free action. Used by Wraiths.
  • Soul Reaping(standard, encounter) * healing, necrotic
Ranged 5; affects an immobilized target only; Intelligence Vs.Fortitude: 2d8 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and you regain 10 hitpoints.Used by Wights.
  • Soul Harvest(standard, daily) * healing, necrotic
Ranged 5; affects an immobilized target only; Intelligence Vs.Fortitude: 2d8 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and you and all undeadallies within 2 squares of it regain 10 hit points.Used by Wights.
  • Death Visage(standard; encounter) * fear, psychic
Ranged 5; Intelligence Vs. Will; 2d6 + Intelligence psychic damage, and the target takes -2 penalty to all defenses. Used by Banshees.
  • Finger of Death(standard; encounter) * gaze, necrotic
Ranged 5; affects a bloodied target only; Intelligence Vs.Fortitude; the target drops to 0 hit points. Resistance to necroticdamage does not apply to this power. Used by Nightwalkers.
  • Dominating Gaze(minor; encounter) * charm
Ranged 5; Charisma Vs. Will; the target is dominated (saveends, with -2 penalty on the saving throw). After effect: target isdazed. Used by Vampires.
  • Reanimate(minor, encounter) * healing, necrotic
Ranged 10; affects a destroyed undead creature of a level nohigher than yours +2; the target stands as a free action with a numberof hit points equal to one-half its bloodied value. This power does notaffect minions.Used by Wights.
  • Death Gaze(standard; encounter) * gaze, necrotic
Ranged 10, targets a living creature, Intelligence Vs.Fortitude, if the target is weakened, it is reduced to 0 hit points,otherwise, the target takes 1d6 + Intelligence necrotic damage andlooses 1 healing surge. Used by Bodaks.
  • Spectral Barrage(standard; encounter) * illusion, psychic
Close burst 2; targets enemies; Intelligence Vs. Will, 2d6 + Intelligence psychic damage, and the targets are knocked prone. Used by Specters.
  • Unholy Flames(standard; encounter) * fire, necrotic
Close burst 2, Intelligence Vs. Reflex, 6d8 + Constitution fireand necrotic damage to living creatures. Undead creatures withing theburst (including you) deal an extra 2d6 fire damage with melee attacksuntil the end of your next turn. Used by Death Knights.
  • Burst of Terror(standard; encounter) * fear, necrotic
Close burst 5; targets enemies; Intelligence Vs. Will; 1d8 +Intelligence necrotic damage, the targets are pushed 5 squares and aredazed and immobilized (save ends both). Used by Ghosts.
  • Terrifying Shriek(standard; encounter) * fear, psychic
Close burst 5; targets enemies; Intelligence Vs. Will; 2d8 +Intelligence psychic damage, the targets are pushed 5 squares and areimmobilized (save end). Used by Banshees.
  • Necrotic Pulse(standard; encounter) * healing, necrotic
Close burst 10, undead allies in the burst regain 10 hit points, and enemies in the burst take 10 necrotic damage. Used by Boneclaws.
Area burst
  • Frostburn'(standard; sustain minor; encounter) * cold, necrotic, zone
Area burst 2 within 20; Intelligence Vs. Fortitude, 3d6 +Intelligence cold and necrotic damage. The bust creates that lastsuntil your next turn. The zone is considered difficult terrain. Anycreature that starts its turn within the zone takes 10 cold andnecrotic damage. You can sustain or dismiss the zone as a free action. Used by Liches.
  • Orb of Obliteration(standard; encounter) * fire, necrotic
Area burst 5 within 10; Intelligence Vs. Reflex; 5 fire andnecrotic damage, and ongoing 5 fire and necrotic damage (save ends). Used by Lich Vestiges.
  • Horrific Visage(standard, encounter) * fear
Close Blast 5; Charisma Vs. Will; 1d6 damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares.Used by Wights.
  • Life Siphon(standard; encounter) * healing, necrotic
Close blast 5; Intelligence Vs. Fortitude; 2d12 + Intelligencenecrotic damage, and you get 5 hit points for every creature damaged bythe attack.Used by Voidsouls.