Vitality And Condi Dmg Rune Gw2

  • Played MMO's non-stop for about 13y, started out with Everquest I. The games I played most are SWG, Planetside 1, WoW and SWTOR besides GW2. I don't like single-player games hehe. Yes I played WoW - was priest healer in Nihilum and got some world first in vanilla/tbc. Played GW2 since the first beta event and got all professions to level 80.
  • Oct 05, 2015 Note on tooltip damage numbers: The damage numbers are level 80 while wearing exotic Berserker armor/accessories with Runes of the Scholar.(2333 power, 1095 toughness, 1095 vitality, 1852 precision, 952 ferocity, 95 condition damage).

What should i go for: Carrion, Deadshot, Rabid, Wanderer, Rampager or Celestial maybe? For condi Mesmer open world, WvW and PvP? I am not interested to raid/fractal with my condi Mesmer (Mirage next week) so this question is only about stats for core Mesmer and Mirage condition stats for solo playing (well, if you don't mind i would take your advice about raids/fractals stats as well ).

edited September 17, 2017 in Mesmer

What should i go for: Carrion, Deadshot, Rabid, Wanderer, Rampager or Celestial maybe? for condi Mesmer open world, WvW and PvP? I am not interested to raid/fractal with my condi Mesmer (Mirage next week) so this question is only about stats for core Mesmer and Mirage condition stats for solo playing (well, if you don't mind i would take your advice about raids/fractals stats as well ). I have no problem with choosing Traits, i just can't decide which stats suits condi mesmer playstyle the best ... Power vs crit, or the mixture of both, that's the question ...
It looks like that scepter supports precision over power, while Axe is more power oriented weapon ...
Sorry for English ...


  • Sinister for quick burst (higher output than Viper until 6s after ramped).
    Viper for sustained dps (higher output than Sinister 6s after fully ramped).
    Trailblazer for tanky dps (see: WvW).
    Deadshot for tanky bursty dps (higher output than Trailblazer, squishier).

    Don't go Celestial (this is just bad), Rabid (see trailblazer), Carrion (see rabid), Rampager (see sinister), or Wanderer (why do you want Power, Toughness, Vitality, Concentration again?).

    Usually you opt for crit over power on condi builds due to Sharper Images. This is the main reason why Deadshot does more damage than Trailblazer (other than your attacks occasionally critting for tiny bonus damage).

    For Raids/Fractals (where you're rarely going to be taken as a Condi Mesmer), you aim for 100% Condi Duration with full Viper. This may use some Sinister pieces in the future due to Dune Cloak if you opt for Mirage. Axe will have more Condi damage output than Scepter but lowers your overall DPS in Raids due to the clone spawn on Axe2 (which is the only reason it outperforms Scepter).

  • Viper's (Power, Condition Damage, Precision, Expertise) is probably the best, and is more accessible than Sinister. However, if you don't have the relevant crafting disciplines, then go for Rampager's instead.

    Condition Damage without Condition Duration is not ideal, and while you may not feel the difference for shorter fights, encounters with Veterans or Elites will start to drag on. Unlike other classes, Mesmer and Mirage rely on multiple Condition types for damage, including Torment, Bleed, Confusion, and Burning. This means that we can't skimp on Expertise like Guardians and Firebrands.

    'Thief? How rude! I'm a Procurement Specialist.' -Glenn Gynnafante

  • Thanks, guys. I am not sure about Viper and Sinister, since i don't feel 'comfortable' enough without one defensive stat. For solo pve, WvW and PvP i would rather have 5k more health or 500 or even 900 toughness, instead of 3 or 4 dps only stats. If i drop 1050 Power for 900 Toughness or 500 Vitality i guess my dmg/dps would only drop for about 5% - 10%, while my survivability will get increased for about 25% - 35%.
    Anyway Viper and Sinister are both account bound, can't buy them on TP. I don't want to spend 6 + months crafting just to get all exotic Viper and/or Sinister gear. I only buy Exotics from TP and Ascended trinkets for Laurels. So i can only afford myself gear with 3 stats + ascended trinkets for now.

  • Condi dmg and toughness. As the devs added on the mirage runes. ;_;

    Kidding. It is a subect to change in the exoac launch but right now morage could prob work really well with co di based sets at least in ove so vipers and sinister.

  • I am currently running a viper chrono with torment runes and torment sigil on scepter. But to be honest I would wait with equipping a new mesmer until PoF launched. As far as I know there will be new stat combinations coming out too.

  • I am also curious about this - IMHO it will have to be some kind of mix between viper and sinister.
    Reasoning: full viper would have too low crit chance to reliably proc Sharper Images while full sinister would have too low a of condi duration.
    I will probably start with full viper armor set (reasonably cheap to convert my ascended zoja set) + sinister jewellery (full set sitting in bank for a long time - was reward for some old LS chapters?)

  • @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:
    I am also curious about this - IMHO it will have to be some kind of mix between viper and sinister.
    Reasoning: full viper would have too low crit chance to reliably proc Sharper Images while full sinister would have too low a of condi duration.
    I will probably start with full viper armor set (reasonably cheap to convert my ascended zoja set) + sinister jewellery (full set sitting in bank for a long time - was reward for some old LS chapters?)

    It depends on the game mode. In Raids, running full Viper is still better than Sinister. You end up at ~70% crit chance, which drops your average bleed stacks per Duelist by 2.4 but by having double condi duration, you more than make up for it. The thing is, pushing your crit past 50% has diminishing returns and full Viper sits at 30% (before raid buffs).

    As for getting Sinister jewelry, that's an expensive way of doing it. You can get cheap ascended accessories of every (non PoF) stat combination from LS3. Bitterfrost Frontier and Siren's Landing both offer easy access to farming their map currencies.

  • edited September 18, 2017

    I just went full Trailblazers with Torment runes. Super tanky, ~21k health, and condition damage with duration (100% Confusion and Torment, ~75% everything else).

    This should carry over into PoF and it is great in WvW.

    Another stat combination you can look into is Dire, which is Condition Damage, Vitality, and Toughness.

  • edited September 18, 2017

    @Esplen.3940 said:
    It depends on the game mode. In Raids, running full Viper is still better than Sinister. You end up at ~70% crit chance, which drops your average bleed stacks per Duelist by 2.4 but by having double condi duration, you more than make up for it. The thing is, pushing your crit past 50% has diminishing returns and full Viper sits at 30% (before raid buffs).

    As for getting Sinister jewelry, that's an expensive way of doing it. You can get cheap ascended accessories of every (non PoF) stat combination from LS3. Bitterfrost Frontier and Siren's Landing both offer easy access to farming their map currencies.

    I suppose raid is like this - but I do not care about raids so it is not my case - I am looking for reasonable self provided crit chance.

    I am aware of LS3 maps (and have saved 1000+ of most currencies just to be sure but as I already have full sinister set of jewellery (for probably more then 2 years) I cannot see how is it expensive for me

  • @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:
    I am aware of LS3 maps (and have saved 1000+ of most currencies just to be sure but as I already have full sinister set of jewellery (for probably more then 2 years) I cannot see how is it expensive for me

    Well, considering it's not possible to stat swap accessories (unless they're Bloodstone Fen accessories), then you're SoL.

  • Well I can always let sinister jewellery rot in bank and buy LS3 accessories.... does not really matter TBH as it is dirty cheap anyway.

    What I wanted to say - IMHO best condi equip for Mirage will be some combination of viper & sinister and I will start to test it with the equip I have already available.

  • So when I was in the testing, I had placed some sinister ascended trinkets in my bank and perplexity runes and sigils I needed for the current build I run to test in Beta.
    This is the build I've been running for months, transitioning from full Sinister to now Half Vipers Half Sinisters. I personally love the build and it's easy for me to master especially with have barely any toughness. I study a lot of the other classes and adapt pretty easy when out in PvP or WvW (mostly) so I 'm capable of holding my own even against 'meta' builds.

    The above build I use in PvE, Dungeons and Fractals as well, but obviously change certain utilities depending on the situation. Now what I tested for the Mirage and what i'll be running because it works for ME. Again, build what you're comfortable with (i'm all for build positivity). This Mirage build i'll mainly be using in WvW as I shut down a lot of players with it from my personal experience - a hyper confusion build of sorts. For PvE i'll be using this build as well but switching utilities when needed and also weaving between keeping clones up and shattering with only cry of frustration.

    Enjoy! Hope to see some of you fellow members in PoF! Xoxo

  • edited September 18, 2017

    I've been supplementing Viper weapons/armour with cele trinkets for solo/smallscale play in wvw with chrono and it has been great over the last year and a half.

    Going to keep the same trend of cele trinkets because of the might stacking potential of mirage using staff, DE, dodge food, IH and things like BD or SS.

    A bit of cele rounds off viper nicely by making you not totally glass - ie pushing up to 20k health and just under 2.4k armour, with some healing power to help the new regen on cloak and adding to power/prec/condi/fero.

    It should be easy to maintain at least a few stacks of might at all times which pushes power well over 2k and condi damage up to around 1.3k if not more with perma vigour (CI, BD, extra vigour on shatter and high boon uptime). My build's in the PoF build thread.

  • depending on if we get a good trait in Mirrage Mantle (Healing or Barrier), I will go with this for WvW (ofc swap Sands of Glass to Mirage Mantle then) :

    Overall good defensive Stats, enough Crit, Nice Dmg with power and Condi Damage. Condi duration isn't needed for WvW in Mirrage's case. Only things u would want to push is torment and bleeding for axe Auto. This + (6) bonus make Krait runes a nice option in my opinion. Condi bomb Jaunts inc. ( i know its no BOMB , hell get over it ^^)

  • I have dire stats because I'm poor. But I plan on upgrading them to trailblazer peu en peu. It is in order to get a bit tankier build. Atm I'm running runes of antitoxin, but might change to either perplexity (if they ever sell recipe at pact vendors) or the new mirage runes

  • How are the new versions of the runes of perplexity? I have a full set that I was going to swap over to my Mirage, but I can decide what to swap her armor to. I am going to be running essentially pvp, so it's not that important, but if you're running condi at all, you should probably not be wearing Zojja's.

  • grieving stats coming with pof, power condi high, precision ferocity low. im swapping to that :>

Vitality And Condi Dmg Rune Gw2
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The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment.
Note: Please note that builds will default to plain icons, these may not be as accurate. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • 2Skill Bar
  • 4Equipment


A Weaver build for sPvP with extremely high sustain designed to contest capture points in smaller skirmishes and stall fights for as long as possible. This build is often seen at automated tournaments, while Fire Weaver remains more popular in ranked simply because of its higher damage.

Skill Bar


Slot Changes


  • over - panic button instead of a self/group rez.

Template Code




  • - trades some of your overall sustain for more durability vs condition damage specs.


Superior Sigil of Cleansing
Remove 1 condition when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9s)
Superior Sigil of Energy
Gain 50% of your endurance when you swap to this weapon while in combat. (Cooldown: 9s)
Superior Rune of Sanctuary
(1): +25 Vitality(2): +5% Boon Duration(3): +50 Vitality(4): +10% Boon Duration(5): +100 Vitality(6): Gain a barrier with health equal to 20% of any heals you receive.
Mender's Amulet
+1050 Power+560 Precision+560 Vitality+1050 Healing power



  • - a very passive and tanky choice.
  • 's 6th bonus synergizes with traits, triggering a condition removal whenever you evade an attack. Needless to say this makes the build extremely good against condition based specs, but keep in mind that - aside from the 6th bonus - this rune doesn't offer much. Weaver's cleansing is already great, which means most of the time this rune won't be necessary, and in the current meta it's only going to help vs Mirage (although it does make a significant difference in that matchup). Only works with!

Vitality And Condi Dmg Rune Gw2 War


Elite specialization basics

  • Weaver allows the Elementalist to attune to 2 elements at the same time, and skills 1-5 will be decided based on both. Let's call them primary and secondary attunements.
  • If you swap to then fire becomes your primary attunement and weapon skills 1-2 will be fire skills. Afterwards if you switch to for example then water is now your primary attunement and fire's moved to secondary - now skills 1-2 are water and 4-5 are fire. Skill 3 is a dual skill influenced by both active attunements fire + water for example is .
  • The order of the attunements doesn't matter here, water primary with fire secondary has the same dual attack as fire primary and water secondary. Attuning to the same element twice has its own dual skill.


  • Your goal is to stall fights and just survive as long as possible. The build doesn't really have the damage to actually win those fights without help, but can be a thorn in the enemy team's side as it's incredibly hard to deal with.
  • Cycle fire air fire air to maintain Swiftness while roaming between capture points.
  • should seldom be touched, as the passive is extremely valuable. Note that several trait procs also count as skill activations and will benefit from the passive of this signet.
    • Unless you either have a high amount of Confusion on you, or you're already at maximum health, you should always be casting something (autoattacks will do too). This is to get the most out of this signet's passive.
  • can be cancelled by stowing your weapon in rare cases when the full evasion isn't needed (let's say you have to cleave a downed target and must keep the pressure up, but had to break stun).
  • If is taken Gaining Regeneration cleanses a condition. Obtaining Swiftness and Superspeed applies Regeneration as well, significally enhancing your options when it comes to cleansing by turning things like into anti-condition tools.

Basic healing combo

  1. Dodge in to proc the relevant effect of .
  2. Use .
  3. Swap to for or use if you were in Earth prior to switching to Water. Use them in the field created by Riptide. You could also go Earth Water Earth and do both.
  4. Swap to
  5. for the barrier.
  6. Optional: when you swap out of Fire, use if cleansing is needed.

Video Guides

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