Which Class Does Most Melee Dmg


If we're talking about once you are out of Stealth and for Stamina based Melee builds I don't think Class actually matters much. There's a few nice passives that help like Stamina regen, Crit ceiling (NB), stronger pots (NB) and some really good Ultimates of certain Classes but overall There's pretty little difference between them. Even Racial passives seem more geared towards Magicka builds and Tanking. I've seen very good Sorcs with 2H/DW and some of them use Streak to get out of trouble when Melee gets sticky. I even had a 2H/DW VR10 Templar doing 1.2K ST in one of my Vet Pledge runs the other day.
One problem I see is that while leveling (at lower levels) having only DW/Destro or DW/Bow leaves you lacking in the self healing department. So you kind of either have to nuke them before they do much damage or have an exit strategy. OFC, some of the Class abilities/Ultimates help greatly with that. Both DK and NB are strong at solo'ing content if built for sustain. I can say the same of Templar, at least at higher levels when they gain access to Sun Shield. Sorcs are the same also once they gain access to Surge > Crit Surge, and 1.6 won't change that for Stamina builds. Once NB's gain access to Drain Power > Sap Essence and have Consuming Darkness > Veil of Blades there's little they can't solo. Also, DK's Ultimate Magma Armor is insane for survival.

Which Class Does Most Melee Dmg In Mac

Which Class Does Most Melee Dmg

Which Class Does Most Melee Dmg Build

Bladedancer and gladiator i believe do most dmg, since i have a 58 gladiator, I'd say an equally equipped glad with full buffs and gsap would do more dmg than an equally buffed up bladedancer. Also a gladiator does most dmg to a single target, howevre a warlord specializes in mass combat and hitting multiple enemies with one swing, so that may. What do the current WoW BfA DPS Rankings show? Which Class does the most damage? Arcane Mages do the most damage per second currently, according to Noxxic’s DPS Rankings for patch 8.0.1. While that may or may not shock some of you, let’s have a detailed look at each of the top five damage dealings classes and specs in the current state of. So, I was attempting to theory-craft a character that could deliver a massive amount of damage in a single melee attack. I know that there are builds to deliver a massive amount of damage in a single round that can most definitely out-damage this one, but I was specifically looking for a single melee attack.