Yugioh Dueling Book Taking Dmg

It's been awhile since I first posted this fic, but I decided to expand the story. No longer is this just a steamy oneshot; it'll feature two new chapters. Of course, this first one was in need of a revisioning, so here's the updated version of the original Dreaming with Desire.

Duel Links Meta has the best, most competitive information about the game. We post news, leaks, decks, tier lists, tournaments, guides, reviews and event reports! 6,142 likes 15 talking about this. The greatest dueling simulator on Earth.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of its characters.

It had been a boring summer Saturday afternoon in Domino City, so Mai Valentine decided to head out to her friend's Game Shop. She spent a few hours catching up with her old friends, Yugi Motuo, Joey Wheeler, Tea Gardner, and Tristan Taylor, and even stayed for dinner, prepared by Yugi's grandfather. After a fun night of reminiscing and shenanigans, it was decided that Yugi and Mai would square off in a friendly duel in the backyard.

As to be expected from two of the greatest duelists in the world, it'd been a fantastic game all throughout, as the two countered each other time and time again. Now, Mai lead the score with 2200 Life Points, 900 more than Yugi's 1300. Her Cyber Harpie was frozen in place by her opponent's Swords of Revealing Light, but they would disappear once she ended her turn, and then, all that stood between her and the rest of Yugi's Life Points was a single face-down card he'd placed at the beginning of the duel.

'My move!' he said, drawing. His face was lit up by the card he drew, the all-too familiar smile that preceded his victory. 'I summon, Mystical Elf!'

Normally Mai would question why anyone would summon a monster with much lower attack strength, and no added effects to go up against her Harpie. But Yugi was the King of Games for a reason.

'And now, I reveal my face-down card, Magical Dimension!' he said, activating his spell. 'It lets me sacrifice my Mystical Elf, to bring out another Spellcaster in her place! And the card I choose, Dark Magician Girl!'

His elf dissipated into a ball of pink light, which then became one of his signature monsters, the Dark Magician Girl. The blonde card appeared with a triumphant smirk of her own.

'But that's not all, because Magical Dimension has another effect, which lets me destroy any monster on the field! Sorry, Cyber Harpie, but this is it for you!' he said, pointing at Mai's monster. With a shriek, her hologram shattered into a storm of bits.

'And remember the Dark Magician you destroyed earlier in the game? With him in the Graveyard, Dark Magician Girl gains 300 extra Attack Points, giving her just enough power to end this duel! Dark Magician Girl, attack Mai directly!' he commanded, sending her into battle.

Mai braced herself for the attack, and watched the Dark Magician Girl leap into the air. She twirled for a second, then, with both hands on her magic staff, she brought it down to point at Mai, her legs opened outwards. A sparking pink ball of magic appeared at the end of her wand, which then shot at Mai, depleting her Life Points to 0.

But Mai didn't care that she just lost. She'd just seen something that she was sure she shouldn't have. She stared at the Dark Magician Girl, who gave her a wink, then disappeared as the last hologram left on the field.

Yugi approached her with his hand out. 'That was a great duel, Mai.'

Mai quickly looked at him and shook his hand, but then went back to staring at where Dark Magician Girl had been. 'Yeah, a great duel.' She then reached into her skirt pocket, and fished out her cell phone. She looked at the time, 9:27 p.m., and decided that it was time for her to leave. She waved goodbye to her friends, then climbed into her car to drive back to her loft.

During her entire cruise back, all Mai could think about was what she'd seen. The image stuck in her mind, causing her to almost run most of the red lights she drove up to. When she arrived at her condo building, she immediately headed straight for her room. She kicked off her high heels, and took off her Duel Disk, setting it on the bed. She removed her vest and let it fall to the floor, then took a seat at her desk. She turned on her laptop, and as it booted up, she opened a drawer in her desk, filled with all the rare cards she didn't play with. Looking through small stacks at a time, she didn't quite remember if she still had the card. Then, she found it.

The Dark Magician Girl.

Mai studied the Dark Magician Girl card. She observed her pink and blue outfit and matching headcone, the golden necklace around her neck with a red gem, a similar red gem in between her breasts, and the playful smirk on her face, encouraged by her sparkling green eyes. All in all, she was a beautifully drawn card, but that was a huge understatement when compared to a complete, head-to-toe view of her life-size hologram. She was widely considered the biggest sex symbol in Duel Monsters, and most male duelists often fantasized about her. The card, though, was only of her face and upper torso, not helping Mai with what she wanted to look at. During her duel with Yugi, when Dark Magician Girl attacked her, Mai was sure she saw something she shouldn't have.

The Dark Magician Girl hadn't been wearing panties.

When the blonde magician launched, she'd opened her legs outwards, and Mai saw directly up her skirt, giving her a perfect view of her lower extremities. She was sure that all the other times she'd faced the card before and gotten a look up her skirt, she'd been wearing pink panties. She took under consideration that she might've been seeing things, but the image was so clear, so vivid, and she could picture it perfectly in her mind.

Mai then saw her laptop ready, and set her card down. She logged on to the internet, and went to a search engine. She thought about what she wanted to search, wondering if it was worth it, but Mai wasn't one to change her mind so easily, and decided to go for it. She quickly typed into the searchbar 'Dark Magician Girl pussy', and pressed 'Enter'. She browsed through possible results, but all she could find was hentai fanart of Dark Magician Girl, no help to her at all. Despite a feeling of futility sinking in, Mai continued on, until finally on the fourth page of results, she found a link that caught her eye.

It said, 'I Saw The Dark Magician Girl's Pussy!'

It was a thread on a forum devoted to Duel Monsters. A lesser known one, because the top sites certainly wouldn't allow these kinds of topics for discussion. Mai clicked on the link, taking her to the thread starter's opening post.

'I was dueling against a friend, and she played a Dark Magician Girl. She commanded her to attack, and when she did, I got a look up her skirt. As most guys would know, the DMG hologram wears pink panties underneath her skirt, but not this one. I saw up her skirt, and saw her pussy. I know what I saw, too, so don't post anything like, 'You were just seeing things.' I know what I saw. At first, I thought it some sort of glitch, but after the duel, I asked my friend to let me borrow her DMG card. I activated her hologram, and looked up her skirt again. There was no mistaking it now, I could see her pussy clear as day. My friend thought I was a total sicko for looking up there, and she refused to do it, too. Either way, I know what I saw, so now I gotta ask, has this ever happened to anyone else?'

Mai scrolled down the page, checking out some responses. One said, 'You bullshitting pervert,' while another female poster said, 'Leave it to a man to design a holographic vagina.' One post that Mai read that made her smirk was, 'Lucky bastard.' But no one else seemed to have ever seen what the thread starter did. However, he did give Mai an idea.

She got up and grabbed her Duel Disk from her bed. She put it on, turning it on in the process, and grabbed her Dark Magician Girl card off her desk. Almost instantly after putting it into a Monster Card Zone, the hologram of the Dark Magician Girl appeared in front of her. Mai walked up to it, the two locking eyes for a second, with the Duel Monster smiling at her. Mai got on her knees, and looked up her skirt, surprised at what she found.

The Dark Magician Girl wasn't wearing panties.

There was no mistake. Mai was looking at her vagina. Clean-shaven. She tentatively reached up to touch the magician, but her hand passed right through the hologram. Immediately, she wondered why she thought that would work. Then she wondered why she would try to touch her in the first place.

She pulled out her phone, and activated its camera function. Getting back on her knees, she looked up her skirt again, and was even more shocked than before. Through her phone, she was seeing what she should be seeing, pink panties on the Dark Magician Girl. But when she looked at the actual hologram, she saw her bottomless.

Mai stood up, completely spooked at the two differences. She looked up at Dark Magician Girl, who only continued to smile back. Feeling unnerved by the strangeness of it all, Mai grabbed the card off her Duel Disk, making the hologram disappear. She took off her dueling device, setting it on her desk. She took another look at her laptop, experiencing something similar as the thread starter. She checked the date of the original post, and saw that this had been made over a year ago. She clicked on the thread starter's profile, hoping to be able to message him and ask him for more details, but saw that he'd been banned. Looking through his posts, she saw his last being the Dark Magician Girl thread. He'd been banned for starting such a ridiculous topic.

With a glance at the time, 11:38, Mai decided to just try to forget about it all and get some sleep. She turned off her laptop, ant went to the bathroom for her nightly routine. When she'd finished brushing her teeth, she walked over to the full-length mirror she had in her corner. Every night, Mai would watch herself undress down to her panties, something she herself admitted was a little strange. Still, she had a body of a goddess, and she was very proud of it.

She took one last look over at the card on her desk, then went over to her bed, and slipped in, underneath the covers, before drifting off to sleep.


About an hour after Mai had fallen into slumber, she slowly woke up. She blinked a few times to get the sleep out of her eyes, and saw what had awoken her. Her entire room had been illuminated in a pink glow. Mai looked around for the source of the light, then saw it was coming from her desk across the room. She reached over and turned on a lamp next to her bed, groggily got up to further inspect it, and saw the glow was being cast by a card. She hadn't put away the cards she'd looked through when she was trying to find her Dark Magician Girl. The glowing card came from the top of a small stack.

Mai reached out to grab it, but froze when the card suddenly began to float. She looked closely through the glow, but she had known all along that it was the Dark Magician Girl card. She took a step back, but again froze when the glow became a small ball, emerging from the card that slowly fell back atop the stack. Mai watched the glow closely, and backpedaled twice more when it started to take form. In a matter of seconds, the little ball had disappeared; in its place levitated the Dark Magician Girl.

She watched in amazement at the smiling Dark Magician Girl. For a moment, neither moved or said anything, until the magician said, 'Hello.'

'You talk?' Mai asked without even thinking.

Dark Magician Girl nodded, still smiling. 'Of course.'

'But.. holograms don't talk,' said Mai, again without thinking.

Dark Magician Girl then stopped levitating in place, her booted feet touching the ground. She took a step towards Mai, and gently grabbed her hand. 'I'm not a hologram.'

This took a moment to register in Mai's mind. When it did, she immediately pulled her hand away, slightly frightened. She took a moment to analyze the situation, then looked at her hand, the one Dark Magician Girl had held. She could still feel her warm touch.

Yugioh Dueling Book Taking Dmg

With one more step back, Mai was able to take a seat at the edge of her bed. She looked up at Dark Magician Girl, who continued to smile, and asked, 'How is this possible?'

'Alongside your dimension, there is another: a world of Duel Monsters,' Dark Magician Girl started. 'Our dimensions are very similar, but no humans inhabit mine, as no actual Duel Monsters inhabit yours.'

'Then, how are you here?'

'I am a guardian of both dimensions, and I possess the ability to cross the thresholds. Should the event occur that one dimension is threatened, I can transport to the other and request help.'

'What's going on?' said Mai, continuously growing nervous, especially with her last comments.

'Nothing of that nature, I assure you,' Dark Magician Girl replied, her smile growing. 'I am here on my accord.. and yours, as well.'

The duelist's worry disappeared, replaced by confusion. 'What do you mean?'

Dark Magician Girl took a step forward. 'You have been thinking of me.'

At first, Mai wasn't quite sure what she meant, but then remembered the exposing Dark Magician Girl holograms.

'I sensed your thoughts about me,' said Dark Magician Girl, taking another step towards the human. 'Your lust for me.'

It took a moment before the true meaning of her words hit Mai. She looked into her eyes, but noticed that they weren't staring back. Instead, her gaze was directed at a lower angle, at her chest. Mai then remembered that she was nude, except for her panties. She crossed her arms over her breasts to hide them, and backed away from Dark Magician Girl, sliding backwards on her bed.

This caused the magician to giggle. 'You have nothing to fear, Mai. I would not do anything,' she said, then added, 'that you would not want me to do.'

'Look,' Mai started, 'I don't know what's going on, but I have no 'lust' for you.'

'Is that so?' she asked. 'That's not what I sense in your heart.'

'How can you you sense what's in my heart?'

'You are one of the most skilled duelists in this realm, and due to the nature of your abilities, you share a common bond with the guardians of my world. When you began to lust for me, I felt it, and I came to you.'

'I told you, I don't 'lust' for you.'

'And I told you, you do,' Dark Magician Girl said. A second of staring passed before she continued. 'Tell me. What encounters did you have with a hologram of mine today?'

Mai wasn't sure if she should answer the question, but then said, 'I saw your pussy - your vagina.'

Dark Magician Girl didn't change her outer expression, but inside, she was smiling. 'And why do you find that unusual?'

'Because normally your hologram wears pink panties.'

This time, she did smile. 'Indeed. It is a censoring precaution taken by the manufacturers of the Duel Monsters game holograms, KaibaCorp. But I, in my real form, wear no undergarments.'

Mai looked down at her legs, mostly bared by her short outfit. 'But then why can I..?'

Dark Magician Girl took a step towards Mai, smiling at her. 'It is because you lust for me. As I explained, you share a common bond with the guardians of my world. But, your bond to me in particular has recently been made much deeper, and that is why you are able to see me as I truly am, even as a hologram.'

Mai thought about what she'd said, slowly being convinced of what she was being told. She remembered that over the past few weeks, she had had a couple of duels, and strangely enough, about half of those duels saw her opponent play a Dark Magician Girl card. She recalled that she had further and further started to admire the beauty of the blonde magician, and now here she was, in her room, a real incarnation.

She then looked up at her, and began to study her, from her long legs, her small waist, her large breasts, and then her beautiful face. Her eager smile, and her bright green eyes. Mai, still sitting on her bed, shifted over to her knees, removing her hands from her breasts. Dark Magician Girl looked at them for a second, but then saw Mai moving closer to her. She lifted her hand to touch her face, her real, warm face, and pulled her in for a kiss.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds, until Mai broke apart. 'You're really beautiful,' she said.

'As are you,' Dark Magician Girl returned the compliment. The two shared another kiss, but this one was shorter than the last, again broken by Mai. She moved towards the front of her bed, where she laid down, smiling provocatively. She again covered her breasts, and had her legs bent upwards, but closed.

'So maybe I have been thinking of you a little,' she finally admitted. 'But, does that mean you have to show up and have sex with me?'

'No,' answered Dark Magician Girl. 'I can only appear at your request, if your bond is strong enough. Sex is entirely up to you.'

Mai then started fondling her breasts, growing slightly pleasured at her own touch. 'Do you do this for all the chosen duelists? I'm sure you have a lot of male fans,' she asked, remembering the thread starter from the internet.

'I can only appear to those that request it, but that does not mean I have to,' she explained.

'So I'm guessing you want to have sex with me,' Mai asked, continuously rubbing her breasts.

'Only if you want to have sex with me.'

'That's not what I asked,' said Mai, grinning. 'Do you want to have sex with me?'

Dark Magician Girl had been watching Mai play with her breasts, her cheeks becoming redder than normal at the sight. Finally, she looked away, back to her eyes. 'Yes.'

'Well then,' said Mai, smiling sexily at her. She lowered her legs, and uncovered her breasts again, beckoning her over. Dark Magician Girl laid down on top of her, and the two began to kiss again. She placed a hand on Mai's stomach, and started to move it upwards slowly, just in case she would object. However, Mai only continued deepening their kiss in anticipation, and Dark Magician Girl grabbed her breast. She fondled it, lightly squeezing, making Mai moan slightly, vibrating in her mouth. She played with that breast, then moved on to the other to pleasure Mai there as well, continuing for a few moments.

Afterwards, Dark Magician Girl broke their kiss, and gave Mai a sexy smirk. She then moved down, and gave one of Mai's erect nipples a dab with her tongue. Dark Magician Girl licked her nipples, before she starting enveloping them, and sucking on them, making the human girl moan. The magician then began to lightly bite down on them, then pressed her breasts together to work them simultaneously.

The pleasure continued for a few more minutes, until Mai purred, 'You're making me so wet.'

Dark Magician Girl smiled back. 'You're doing the same to me.' She took Mai's hand, slowly guiding it to her center. Mai gave her a rub, confirming it to be exposed, hot, and wet.

Mai took out her hand from under her skirt, her fingers coated with her lover's juices. She licked them off and moaned at the taste, savoring it. 'You're delicious.'

'Thank you,' said Dark Magician Girl, and the two began to kiss again. As Dark Magician Girl continued to play with her breasts, Mai stroked her legs, going inside her skirt to fondle her ass. The human broke their kiss, and smiled at Dark Magician Girl.


'You know, I don't think it's fair that I was already naked when you got here. Maybe you should start taking off your clothes,' she suggested naughtily.

Dark Magician Girl smiled, and rolled onto her back, beside Mai, putting her legs in the air. Mai watched, and was a little surprised when her boots suddenly took themselves off her feet, and slowly floated towards the foot of her bed. She then climbed on top of Mai, mounting her, and she could feel her wet flower on her stomach. The magician extended her arms out, and the same thing happened with her gauntlets, with them taking themselves off, and floating down. She then hovered over Mai, and whispered, 'Do you want to take my outfit off for me?'

'I'd love to,' she replied, 'but I wouldn't know where to start.'

Dark Magician Girl smiled as she straddled her upright again, and Mai suddenly felt her arms moving by themselves. It took her a second to figure out that they were being controlled by the same magic that her lover had used to undress. Her arms continued to rise, until they grabbed hold of Dark Magician Girl's breasts. She was able to give them a firm squeeze of her own volition, then felt her hands meet in the middle, holding the red gem in between her breasts. The gem began to glow red, then disappeared, along with the rest of Dark Magician Girl's outfit, including her cone hat. She was left completely naked.

Mai admired Dark Magician Girl's breasts, and reached up, grabbing them and squeezing them. 'They're so much bigger than your hologram's,' she commented. 'As big as mine.'

'Another censoring precaution,' she explained softly as Mai continued to fondle her breasts. She sat up, the magician moving onto her lap. With the closer proximity, she applied her tongue, teasing her nipples by licking around them. Dark Magician Girl let out a moan, and Mai then took in her nipples, playing with them with her tongue and teeth, sucking on them. Dark Magician Girl then grabbed hold of Mai's breasts, deciding to reciprocate.

After a few minutes, Mai left Dark Magician Girl's breasts to kiss her. As their tongues danced, Dark Magician Girl slowly lowered Mai back down to her bed. The magician then broke the kiss, and slowly moved down her lover's body, not breaking eye contact with her. She reached Mai's midsection, then turned her gaze away from her irises to look at her panties, the fabric being completely drenched. She slipped her thumbs under the waistband, and began to slowly pull Mai's soaked thong off. She dropped them on the floor, and opened her legs, allowing her to look at the blonde's glistening prize.

Yugioh Dueling Book Taking Dmg

'Oh, Mai,' she said, eyes flashing hungrily. She then gave her a sexy smile, with a little bit of her tongue out, and lowered her head into Mai's center. But instead of going straight for her core, however, she began to lick her inner thighs, going up and down in a brushing motion, stopping just short of where Mai wished she would touch her. This continued for about a minute, until Mai had to comment on the progress not being made.

'Who would've thought the Dark Magician Girl was such a tease,' she said, her voice filled with playful annoyance.

Dark Magician Girl stopped licking, and said sensually, 'Good things come to those who wait.'

'And I cum to those that eat my pussy,' Mai replied smartly.

This made Dark Magician Girl giggle, and finally began to play with Mai's vagina. She licked and kissed the outer skin for a moment, before running her tongue along her radiating slit. Mai started to quietly moan at this, with Dark Magician Girl licking up all of her liquid lust, then she opened her up. She poked her tongue inside of Mai, licking her walls for about a minute. She removed her tongue, then started to work on her clit, licking it and grazing it with her teeth. Mai became louder as this went on, then felt Dark Magician Girl slide a finger inside of her. She licked and fingered her at the same time, starting slowly, but picking up speed. As she continued, Dark Magician Girl slid another finger inside of Mai's dripping flower, curving them to satisfy her hottest spot. It wasn't long before Mai was screaming with pleasure, thrashing under Dark Magician Girl's powerful tongue and finger movements.

'I'm gonna cum!' she screamed. Dark Magician Girl quickly put herself in position to accept Mai's juices as she squirted from her orgasm, most of it filling her mouth. She swallowed, then smiled down at the panting Mai.

The duelist looked up at Dark Magician Girl as she licked her lips, then the pair of fingers she used to drive her to climax. As she collected her breath from her release, all she could say was, 'Wow.'

Dark Magician Girl kissed Mai lightly, but Mai began to go harder, daring her to match her power. As they kissed, Mai again started to grope her her ass, until her hands traveled lower, to find Dark Magician Girl's soaked center. She rubbed her slit momentarily, then penetrated her with a finger. Dark Magician Girl broke the kiss to let out a moan, then Mai sat up. She looked at Dark Magician Girl with a sexy grin, then switched their positions, Mai on top, never having removed her finger from inside the magician. She grabbed one of her breasts, and squeezed and fondled her nipple as she played inside her at the same time, making Dark Magician Girl become louder, and start to play with her other breast. Mai left her to fondle herself, putting herself in position to lick her core as she continued to swiftly move in and out of her, adding another finger as she went on. Mai began to lash on her clit, doubling the pleasure she was giving her. Dark Magician Girl was now screaming as Mai worked her harder and faster, until she reached her climax.

'Mai! I'm cumming!' Dark Magician Girl yelled, and Mai slipped her fingers out of her right before she squirted. She received her juices, then drank them with a smile on her face.

Mai laid down on her side next to the panting Dark Magician Girl, watching her regain her strength with a smirk. She reached over and grabbed one of her breasts, giving it a small squeeze as it rose up and down with her lover's breathing. 'We're not done yet, are we?' she asked as she turned to look at her emerald eyes.

Dark Magician Girl's face lit up, and she kissed Mai, both women tasting themselves as their tongues met. 'Not yet,' she answered once they broke apart.

Mai sat up on her bed, as the magician remained laying down on her side. 'I've never been with a girl before. Is this the part where we scissor?'

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With a smile, Dark Magician Girl slightly raised her arm, and her staff appeared in her hand. 'If you prefer, we could do a double penetration with my staff,' she answered. https://myelucky.netlify.app/minecraft-dmg-won-t-open.html.

Mai looked at the long staff in her hand. It was about fifteen inches long, with a large spiral adornment on top, a small crystal ball on the bottom, and pink ridges along the ends of the blue rod. 'You use that as a double dildo?' she asked hesitantly. 'Yeah, I don't know about that top part..'

Dark Magician Girl let out a small giggle. 'Most girls say something like that. Luckily, I can fix it.' Her staff began to glow pink, and the top spiral melded into itself to become just like the bottom's crystal ball. The length of the staff also seemed to take on a more rubbery composition, allowing for more flexibility for their play.

Mai grinned, and her inhibition about using the staff was replaced with excitement. This was something she absolutely had to try. She beckoned Dark Magician Girl over by wagging her index finger, and the magician moved to the other side of the bed to get in position. She gently pushed Mai back down on the bed, then opened her legs. Again she stroked the inside of her thighs, with the cold surface of the staff, then touched her wet center with the ball. Both women smiled as Dark Magician Girl entered Mai with her staff, with the duelist let out a small moan, tingling with pleasure as her walls closed around it, the ridges adding extra sensation.

Dark Magician Girl slowly moved the staff in and out of Mai for a few seconds, grinning down at her, then moved her leg to cross over Mai's. She lowered herself onto the original ball, and penetrated herself, a quiet sound of pleasure escaping her. Mai sat up as Dark Magician Girl moved her other leg under Mai's, the staff inside both. They slowly scooted closer to each other, until only a small section of the staff remained visible outside of the women, almost half of it inside both women.

Yugioh Dueling Book Taking Dmg 2

Sharing a sexy look, both women began to thrust on the staff, slowly at first. The moans came quickly as they rode together, breasts bouncing as they did so. Soon, they were picking up speed as they took more of the staff inside of themselves, moving closer and closer to one another. Mai instinctively grabbed her lover's thigh, and the magician did the same with the duelist's. With more proper leverage, the two were able to thrust harder along their toy, filling the room with powerful yells. As they did this for a few minutes, both could feel themselves approaching their orgasm, coming closer as they moved down on the staff, thrusting nearer and nearer until finally, their wet cores touched. Every time they thrust in, they would feel their drenched centers come into contact, their clits rubbing against each other, adding to the building pleasure. Finally, ravaged moans of absolute bliss rang out across the room.

'I'm cumming!' they screamed together, and their juices exploded through their blocked entry with a powerful torrent. Their cum squirted onto the others' midsection and thighs, some even landing on their stomach and breasts. The two collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard from the act and the rewarding end. About a minute later they sat up again, and immediately began kissing, tongues dancing and rolling on each other. When they separated the women slid back to remove the staff from inside themselves. Dark Magician Girl held up her dripping cum-coated staff, then turned it so the half that was inside of Mai faced her, and likewise. The two took it inside their mouths and cleaned it of the other's juices, until they finished and Dark Magician Girl set it down on the bed.

The two women kissed again, this time with loving passion. They broke apart, and gazed into their eyes for a few seconds.


Mai awoke with a start, and immediately knew something was wrong. She sat up as she threw her sheets off her, and saw that her bed, legs, and panties were drenched in a sticky liquid. She thought of what had happened, and vivid images of her having sex with the Dark Magician Girl burst into her mind. She recalled how amazing it was, but then noticed that she was still wearing her thong, soaked in her juices.

'But how..?' she wondered. Not a single piece of clothing was to be found on their bodies as they explored and played with one another.

She stared down at her legs, and then it began to dawn on her that it might've been a dream. 'What else could it have been?' she asked herself. 'A wet dream.'

Mai laid back on her bed, and recalled the dream almost perfectly. The way Dark Magician Girl entered her room through her card, explaining why she was able to see her vagina in hologram form. The kissing, the playing with their breasts. The way she ate her out and drank her cum, looking up at her with a lustful gaze. And the double penetration with her staff that, riding on it and touching her clit to hers, resulted in a wild orgasm.

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These thoughts stirred up lustful emotions in Mai, and felt herself growing ravenously hot as she continued to fantasize about her dream. She sent a hand down to her thong, and slipped inside the drenched fabric to begin massaging herself. She felt something missing, though, and removed her hand from her panties. She got up and grabbed her Dark Magician Girl card from her drawer with her dry hand, and placed it on her Duel Disk. She grabbed the device and walked back to her bed, setting in on her nightstand. She turned it on, and a hologram of the Dark Magician Girl appeared next to her bed, her usual smile on her face.

Mai crouched to look up the Dark Magician Girl's skirt, and even through the dim light, she could tell that she was wearing the typical pink panties. Confused at first, she came to the conclusion that the part where she'd seen her bottomless must have also been part of the dream.

She laid back down and slightly pulled her panties down, just to the middle of her thighs, and again began to rub herself as the Dark Magician Girl hologram watched on, nothing more than the designed smile as her expression. Mai looked at it as she rubbed her clit and squeezed her breasts, then began inserting fingers into herself. After the second went in, she couldn't keep her eyes open against the pleasure anymore. She moved in and out of herself powerfully, expertly using her palm to stimulate her clit with every movement. She moved faster at her center with her right hand, as her left gripped her breast harder as she came over the edge.

'Dark Magician Girl!' she cried as she squirted on her mattress, the stretched thong that she'd left on, and her legs. After a few breaths, she opened her eyes again to see the Dark Magician Girl, still smiling her confident, ready-for-combat smile. With one last satisfied look at her, she reached over and shut off the Duel Disk, making the hologram disappear. She looked up at her ceiling as she licked her juices off her hand, and decided to go back to sleep, choosing to deal with her soaked bed in the morning.


But what Mai never realized was that during the final moments of her self-pleasure, Dark Magician Girl's smile had widened as she watched her exhibition. And if she would've peeked under her skirt again, she would've found her panties wet with sexual desire.

You can Special Summon Silent Magician by Tributing a Spellcaster-Type monster you control. If you Tribute Legion the Fiend Jester to Special Summon Silent Magician, you will get to add a Dark Magician from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand, which will allow you to activate Magician Navigation.

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Silent Magician is able to, once per turn, negate the activation of a Spell Card, which is particularly relevant in the current meta. Moreover, since, after being negated, the card is simply sent to the Graveyard without being destroyed, you can safely use this effect to negate Geartown or Ancient Gear Fortress.

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While its original ATK and DEF are definitely on the low side, thanks to its effect, Silent Magician can quickly become a pretty big threat, gaining 500 ATK for each card in your hand. Additionally, if Silent Magician is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can Special Summon from your hand or Deck a Silent Magician LV8, a 3500 ATK monster that your opponent cannot take control of via Enemy Controller and that also cannot be weakened by World Legacy Clash.